Chapter 5

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"YO Bill!"

"Hey Tom! So how did it go?"

"Amazing!" Tom handed Bill his drink, "try it, it was my award for getting ten bullseyes in a row! I showed that bitch"

"Omg! really?! Ten?!" Bill took a sip, "that is good! Not as good as my normal order though"

"What do you normally get?"

"a mocha frap with dark caramel, strawberry puree in the cup and on top"

"that does sound good" Bill handed Tommy his drink back. "Is Ran coming over?"

"Yeah, for dinner, why?"

"For fuck sake, like I am glad I met you but Jesus he is a dickhead! How are you friends with him?"

"He wasn't always like this, I know that he does have emotion under that cover" Tommy just rolled his eyes and sat on the couch to watch tv until dinner. Dinner came and with it so did Ranboo,

"Hey" Ranboo set some lasagna on the counter,

"Hey, oh hell yeah!" Bill got up and ran to the lasagna,


"Oh my mom made this for you two"

"His mom makes the best lasagna!"

"You like milfs Bill?" Bill busted out with laughter almost chocking on the lasagna he was eating. He quickly stopped laughing when he heard Ran giggling at Toms joke, Ran giggling? At a joke Tom made?  Bill didn't address it and they ate, Tom and Bill were talking about something or other while Ran ate in silence. Once Ran left Bill brought it up,

"So did you hear Ran giggle at your joke?"

"No? he did?"

"Yeah, the milf joke, I haven't heard him laugh or even giggle in a while. Tom you made him giggle, you broke his cold exterior!"

"I did?"

"Yes! I feel like the more time you spend together the better he'll get! I have tried to break his coldness before but I haven't been able to, but you, you did it! even if it was just a small giggle you still did it!"

"Wow, so your saying I could make that cold fuck human again?"

"Fuck yeah! At least try! Just like hang out, go to the range, coffee is always good, I just want to see him happy for once"

"well okay then" with that they headed to bed. Tom thought about what Bill said, could he really fix this bitch of a human? He'll try at least.

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