Chapter 7

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"TOM MALL TIME!" Tom rolled out of his bed groglely getting ready and walking out to the living room with a very exited Bill and inpatient Ran.

"let's go" the trio walked to the mall, well Bill skipped,

"what's up with him? I have never seen him this happy"

"I am paying for everything so-"

"no" Tom grabbed Ran's arm, "I can pay for my own crap, don't say you are paying for everything, with my commission money I can pay for what I need, you are paying for yourself and Bill"

"I wanted to do something for you" Ran pulled his arm away, "Tom you have been nothing but nice to me for absolutely no reason, you did great the last job with getting descises and not to mention how we took care of that other guy, let me pay for food"

"What?" Ran walked away leaving a very confused Tom,

"Get over here slowpoke!"

"Hey!" Ran flipped him off as he passed catching up to Bill. They entered the mall into the food court,

"Since Thomas wants to pay for his own crap we can split up, meet us back here at noon for lunch"

"Kay!" Tommy was already running to GameStop to see the latest games as Bill and Ran went to the electronics store. All three had fun shopping and Bill could've sworn he saw Ran smile while looking at the jewelry section in the Buckle they were at though they didn't buy any. Once noon came they all met back up at the food court.

"I'm feeling a sandwich"


"shut the fuck up Bill!"

"Well I'm not wrong! Am I Tom?!" Ran just rolled their eyes and bought Tom a sandwich and Bill some Chinese food, they got themself a sub. Tom and Bill were still arguing when Ran came back over,

"here" Ran shoved their respective foods into them, "let's just eat" they all sat down and ate. Like every time they eat together Bill and Tom were talking about the newest game or what they are going to do when they get home while Ran sat there silent. Ran didn't mind though, they didn't like talking, let alone being in public or hanging out with anyone but Bill. They are still trying to get used to Tom even though he has been there for almost a week.

They all finished eating as Ran got a text, "guys I have to go home" Ran messaged the person back and ran out of the mall.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, anyway we should probably head home to" the duo headed back to Bill's.

"I just realized; how do you live here by yourself? Aren't you in collage with Ran?"

"Yup, my dad pays for this place, don't get me wrong I love living with my parents, but I don't know how they would feel about my current "job" with you and Ran so my dad pays for my house, and I pay for grocery's and my collage!" Bill threw himself onto the couch as Tom turned on the TV.

"Also Ran was being weird today"

"how so?" He sat up so Tom could sit

"they said they wanted to pay for my food to do something nice for me since I did a good job last night"

"wait dude are you serious?!"

"yup! As serious as can be"

"oh my god Tom! Do you understand what this means?!"
"no actually I don't"
"Tom. I haven't seen Ran be like this in letteral years! I've known them since high school dude! They haven't smiled at anything or been nice to anyone but me since sophomore year! We are joiners in collage now!"


"Tom something about you just being around them has changed them! No matter how much of a dick Ran is to you promise me you will be nice to them! I want that cheery freshman back"

"I'll try Bill"

"thanks, now what do you want to watch?"


"Good choice" Bill threw on Heartstopper and they watched it till they fell asleep. 

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