Chapter 2

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"We are just partners for right now, once Dream is dead we are parting ways Mellohigh" Ranboo walked to the edge of the building,

"Of course, wouldn't have it any other way" Tommy stood behind him, "cold bitch" he whispered. Ranboo stretched out a arm to him, "what?"

"We are teleporting, grab my hand" Tommy reluctantly grabed the others hand. "Zo, we have a visitor" with that a purple mist came out of a bracelet on Ranboo's wrist and wrapped around them, a second later they arrived at a dark room with a god computer set up with someone sitting at a chair.

"Welcome back boo!"

"one, don't call me boo, and two" he walked over to the computer, pointing at one of the three screens, "stop playing Minecraft on the job!"

"sorry dude" Zo stood up walking over to Tom. He was shorter, much shorter, around five foot eight inches. The shorter was wearing a bandana with a red circle in the center, and a long sleeved yellow shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a bandage covering the right side of his face. "Hello there, I am Zo" he streched out his hand to Tom,

"Hey, I am Mellohigh" they shook hands. Zo turned back to Ranboo,

"so why did you bring someone to my house?"

"He has the same goal as us, we are partners now, once Dream is dead Mellohigh is leaving" Ranboo walked out.

"What a bitch" Tom muttered a little too loud,

"yea, but he's like that don't worry."


"I don't know" Zo looked down, in truth he did know why Ran was like that, he knew everything about the man, but it wasn't his story to tell.

"Well, I honestly don't give a shit, as long as Dream gets killed I don't care who I have to work with. You seem chill though"

"eh I get that a lot, Boo and I are polar opposites"

"Yeah, how did you guys become friends?"

"Same collage and same major"

"Well, I hope we can become friends" 

"Same, wanna play Minecraft?"

"Hell yeah!!" They spent a bit playing games before settling Tommy in. 

"Do you have no where else to live?" Tommy was organizing his guns.

"Oh, yeah no, you don't mind me living here do you?"

"Your fine, Ranboo lives with his mom so it gets pretty boring here alone"

"Okay" they spent the rest of the day setting up Tommy's new room. It was quite nice to have a home now, though it felt weird for some reason. "Thomas"

"what?" Zo looked up at him,

"Thomas, that's my real name, you can call me Tommy or Tom. I felt like if we are going to live together we might as well get to know each other"

"oh well in that case" Zo put out his hand, "I am Bill" they shock hands, starting to be real friends. It will take a while for Tom and Ranboo to be friends though.

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