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The phrase ‘sleepless night’ had never been truer, Sammy had lain awake till morning. Her brain wouldn’t shut off and there was only one thing in it, Niklaus McCarthy. She honestly didn’t realise or remember how the whole thing happened but she sure was aware of how it had ended.
The look he had given her before almost physically running out on her was horrible, Niklaus had looked at her like she was disgusting. She had pictured that look on his face over and over again all night.
How was she going to face anyone today? And she was supposed to go into town with Niklaus today but the mere thought made her feel like throwing up.
She dragged herself into the shower, she was barely out when she heard the commotion from downstairs, her heart almost flew out of her chest. She was sure she knew what the commotion was about and she knew that before long the entire McCarthy clan would be at her door.
She hurriedly dressed up and matched downstairs to explain herself. It wasn’t what she was expecting when she got to the parlour, for people who were planning on murdering their houseguest they looked rather chipper.
“Good morning” she said to no one in particular.
Chase was the first person to notice her so her came right over wearing his usual charming smile. It had been a while since she had seen him around, Sammy thought.
“Hey, you sleep well?” he asked and she nodded which in reality was a lie.
“What’s going on?” she asked him in a whisper
“Dad’s back” he said pointing and then Sammy noticed the McCarthy senior sitting on the couch and Alex hanging on one of his thighs.
Oh, so that was what the ruckus was about. Not that they had found out what she did last night and wanted to murder her.
“And so is Jay” her heart sank because as if on cue Jason McCarthy strutted in with Charlie on his arm and laughing at something only both of them knew.
The smile on his face froze when he saw her and Sammy didn’t know whether or not to run. The last time they had seen each other he hadn’t been exactly happy to see her.
Jason was already walking to her before she decided what she was doing,
“Hi” he said and actually smiled at her.
Sammy felt a sudden tightness in her throat, she cleared her throat,
“Hi” she greeted back
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you got in, but I’m thinking maybe we could have dinner tonight and talk?” he asked and she could only nod.
This wasn’t how she expected today to go, not after how her night had ended.
Jason was back. The father of the child she was carrying. The man she was supposed to be marrying.
Only problem was, he wasn’t the man she couldn’t stop fantasising about.

*    *    *    *    *     *

Nick always prided himself on control, he liked that he always had control on everything, it was one of the reasons he was so great at everything he did. He had never lost control like this, most especially not of his feelings or his emotions.
Last night had been a whole different ball game, Samantha Baker was a whole different ball game. He hadn’t slept well ever since the accident but after the thing had happened and he had come upstairs and hit his head on a pillow he fell asleep and got a solid five hours.
His throbbing shoulder that would have normally bothered him didn’t. The phrase slept like a baby had never been truer.
The pleasant surprise from his father and Jason hadn’t been that pleasant for him because he was suddenly assaulted with the guilt from last night.
Guilt, that was a feeling that Nick couldn’t quiet put a lid on. He knew it was going to eat him alive.
The only thing he could think of was the whole Sophia debauchery. At least then he had nothing to feel guilty about. Yes, he had had something with her but that was long over before his brother had married her. And even after she had lost her mind and had come for something Nick couldn’t let himself give her, he knew he couldn’t because he knew his boundaries.
So why then were those boundaries blurry now, why then did he let himself lose control with Samantha last night?
Kissing her last night had been the biggest mistake ever and he hadn’t realised how much until he had looked his brother in the face this morning.
If only he had stopped at kissing her, he had done worse than kiss her. He had touched her, tasted her, ravished her and wanted her. And now having her was all he thought about. He had been so close to that last night and if he hadn’t taken a moment to realise what he was doing he could have easily had sex with his brother’s fiancé on his father’s kitchen counter. It made him sick to the stomach thinking about it, he made himself sick. Why was he having all these thoughts about her?
Sex wasn’t something he usually obsessed over, yes he did have sex at his disposal whenever he did want it but it was usually on his own terms and just to get the release he needed, but he knew that God forbid he found himself in bed with Samantha Baker it would be a different story. And different wasn’t what he wanted or thought he could handle, different gave room for other stuff like say feelings, attachment and worse… abandonment. So there was no room in his life for any of that most especially not with the woman who was going to be marrying his brother.
At least his father was back now so he could wash his hands off every and anything that had to do with the girl. Jason could man up and take his responsibilities seriously or not, it wasn’t his business anymore. Nick decided it was time he got back to work and that wasn’t just because he thought it was best to put an ocean between Samantha and himself. But also because he felt he had been away from his responsibilities for too long and since Samantha obviously wasn’t that anymore he was free to go about his business.

ENTANGLED: A McCarthy Love Story Where stories live. Discover now