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Sammy and Nick were ushered into the hospital room by a very cheerful nurse, Luca and Charlie were sharing the hospital bed, Luca was sitting with one leg dangling off the bed, he was holding the baby and staring at it like it was some alien creature while Charlie was laying half snuggling her husband. She raised her face when she heard them come in and then gave one of her very pleasing smiles,
“You found him” she said in a hushed tone
“I found him” Sammy replied in a tone matching hers and then she waved slightly. She smiled at the cozy little family in front of her. She repressed the bout of jealousy that was beginning to rise in her, she reminded herself that today wasn’t about her or the baby she had lost, today was about being happy for her friend.
“I didn’t know you guys were coming”
“Are you kidding me? My best friend’s having a baby, I wouldn’t miss it for anything the world” Nick told her going to give her a hug. He kissed her hair
“why didn’t you call me?” he asked
“I thought you’d be busy, I didn’t think you two were going to get out of bed until Calla starts talking”
Nick rolled his eyes at her playfully,

“Calla?” Sammy asked
“Come meet our baby” Charlie said sitting up properly and taking the baby from Luca while motioning for her to come closer.
Sammy’s heart swelled at the sight of the tiny creature wrapped in a tiny blanket.
“It’s a girl” Luca told them, his pride emitting from his voice.
“Her name’s Calla, after the flower. It means beautiful”
“She is beautiful” Sammy whispered and she couldn’t help the emotional tears that started to swell in her eyes.
“Calla meet your godparents” Charlie said
“Godparents?” Nick and Sammy asked at the same time
“Yes. Nick was always supposed to be her godfather and we were thinking, maybe my sister Sandra but after you called this morning, we decided it was going to be you two. It made more sense, you two make sense.” Charlie explained loving the look of joy on both their faces and they didn’t miss her underlying message even though she wasn’t trying to be subtle about it.
“But Nick you can’t be my child’s godfather if you are going to take off a million miles away and never come back”
“I told you I’ll be more present this time, I’ll come home more. I promise” he told her and then smiled,
“I’m a godfather” he whispered excitedly.
“Are you sure?” Sammy asked
“Of course, we’re sure. Welcome to the family Samantha” it was Luca that replied and he went to her and engulfed her in a hug.
When Luca’s hands wrapped around her briefly, Sammy thought she might burst out crying. But not the sad tears she had now gotten so used to, happy tears. She was just so happy, happier than she had been in a long time.
“Thank you, this means so much to me” she told both parents with a sniffle.
“Do you wanna carry her?” Charlie asked,
“Of course I wanna carry her” she replied going ahead to carefully and gently take Calla from her mother.

The instant Sammy held the baby she knew she was in love, she was in love with the tiny human that lay in her arms without a care in world. She instantly felt her heart heal and get whole again when Calla looked at her and then smiled. Smiled at her.
It was unexplainable, the feeling she was getting from just holding the baby but she felt peace and serenity and she was loving that feeling. Those were feelings that had evaded her for so long but right there in that room with Calla in her arms, she knew she was going to be okay.
“Are you okay?” Nick asked coming to stand next to her
“Yeah, why?”
“You’re crying” he told her and just then she began to notice the wetness coming from her eyes.
“I am,” she said with such realisation as she touched the liquid on her face with her free hand.
She looked at him and smiled,
“I’m happy,” she told him and then to Charlie and Luca she said,
“thank you for including me in your joy”.

NICK SAT WITH Luca in the lobby and waited as he got off the phone with Richard, they had left both women cooing over the baby to go call the rest of the family. Mara Augustine, Charlie’s mum promised she was taking the next flight out and Alex wouldn’t stop screaming so hard that Luca had to hang up mid conversation. And Chase was in France, probably with a woman, he said he was happy for them even though he wouldn’t be able to make it for several days.
“Richard said he’s heading over the day after tomorrow, he’s in Tokyo” Luca informed his brother when he got off the phone.
“Good for him” Nick said nonchalantly, he was still a little pissed at his father, or at least he was trying to be. This was the longest he had ever gone without having any communication with the man.
“He asked about you”
“He’s just worried about his stupid winery”
“He’s worried about you” Luca told him.
Nick rolled his eyes, he didn’t believe his brother, but only because he knew their father well enough. Richard McCarthy was a man who made everything about business, so Nick knew that if his father had really inquired about him it would be because of something work related.
“I wish you’d just talk to him and then you’ll see how much he cares about you”
“I’m not talking to him unless it’s Luxury related”
“You can't be serious”
“I am. As a matter of fact, I don’t wanna talk about him either, so can we change the topic?” Nick told his brother; he was getting cranky and he didn’t like it.
“What would you rather talk about? Samantha?” Luca asked and Nick couldn’t help the smile that crept onto his face. He hated that he immediately started to feel giddy and for a moment he thought he might just burst into giggle and that scared the crap outta him.
Disgusting! What was he turning into?!
“She came to the airport” he told his brother trying and failing to control himself.
“Yeah, I know. She called Charlie all frantic this morning”
“She loves me” he said and his smile grew wider.
“I suspected,” Luca told him
“so what are you going to do now?” he asked.
“I’m going to marry her” he said because he realised in that moment that this was how he wanted to feel for the rest of his life. Giddy and happy.


ENTANGLED: A McCarthy Love Story Where stories live. Discover now