Seeing what's happening, Mattheo takes the food off the heat and heads over "What's wrong?" he asks as he reaches them. "Go check his room, he's taken something." John tells him quietly, Zyair sleepily leaning on his hand. Mattheo nods and heads upstairs, John turns and starts getting Zyair up "Come on Zyair, we're going to the living room." he tells him, helping him into the living room. "'m fine." Zyair slurs as John sits him on the sofa. "Yeah, you look and sound it." John tells him sarcastically, checking his pulse again. Zyair hums slightly as Mattheo walks in, holding the bottle of pills in his hand "John." he says, passing them to the Doctor. John sighs and crouches so he's level with Zyair "Hey, Zyair, how'd many you take?" he asks. "C-Couple." Zyair lies. "Zyair." John warns. "I don't know..." Zyair slurs, sweat beginning to pour down his face. "Mattheo count how many are in there, that was a new prescription yesterday." John says, passing the bottle to him. Zyair's eyes droop making John gently tap his face "Hey, you need to stay awake Zyair. Okay? Eyes open." he tells him. "Tired...W-wanna see dad." Zyair slurs. "Yeah, well he can wait. We need you here, okay?" John responds. "Don't wanna be here. Wanna be with dad." the teen slurs. John feels tears threatening to fall "Not yet Zyair, okay. Your dad wouldn't want that. He'd want you to live, okay?" he tells him, his voice breaking slightly.

Mattheo finishes counting the pills "There's ten out of eighty left in the bottle." he tells John shakily. "Shit, call an ambulance. Then call Molly, Mrs Hudson and Lestrade. Zyair, hey, eyes open." John says, letting his professional side take over so he can help the teen he's come to see as a son. Zyair mumbles incoherently, his eyes rolling slightly. John gets Zyair onto the floor, checking his pupils "Zyair, you hear me?" he asks. Zyair groans weakly trying to move his head away from John, his breathing becoming short and shallow "I-I've called them." Mattheo tells John shakily. "Okay, I need to to try and keep him away for me. I need to run and get my work bag from my room." John tells him. Mattheo nods and sits next to Zyair, brushing his hair out his face "Mi Amor, I need you stay awake for me. Okay? I can't lose you." he tells him as John runs upstairs to get his bag. Zyair whimpers slightly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head "Zy-Zyair...please." Mattheo pleads, tears falling as John runs in with his bag. "Zyair? You hear me?" John asks, pulling Zyair's eyelids back and shining a penlight into his eyes. Mattheo holds Zyair's hand as John starts checking Zyair over "Dammit Zyair, you stay with us. You hear me? You stay with us." he tells the teen as he rummages through his bag.

In the distance they hear sirens getting closer "The ambulance is almost here Zyair. Just hold on a little longer for us." John tells the teen, worry clear on his face as the colour Zyair, his lips and his fingernails are going. "Please Mi Amor... please baby." Mattheo whimpers. Zyair suddenly starts shaking as he starts to choke on vomit, John immediately rushing  into action and rolling him into the recovery position "Stay with us Zyair." he mumbles, hearing the sirens of the ambulance getting closer. Mattheo sits to the side, tears streaming down his face as he watches John trying to save Zyair "Zyair... Please..." he pleads, his voice breaking. Zyair stops shaking, making John check his breathing and pulse "No no no." he mumbles, clearing Zyair's airway before rolling the teen onto his back "Mattheo, I need you to tilt his head back and hold it still." he says. Mattheo shakily nods and holds Zyair's head back, John immediately starting chest compressions "You are not leaving us Zyair. Not today. Come on." he tells the teen. The sirens stop, closely followed by a knock on the door "It's unlocked!" John shouts, trying to ignore the colour Zyair is going. Two paramedics rush in with a gurney and a large medical bag "What his name? What happened?" one of them asks. "Zyair Holmes, age seventeen. I'm Doctor John Walton, his guardian. He's overdosed on Lorazepam and has been in cardiac arrest for the last five minutes." John tells him.

The paramedics nod, opening the bag and pulling different things out "Mattheo, you can let go now." John says. Mattheo shakily nods and moves away, letting one of the paramedics to take over. One of the paramedics cut open Zyair's shirt as the other grabs the ambu bag and starts giving him oxygen "We need to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. H-He's not going to..." John trails off, tears in his eyes. Mattheo chokes back a sob "We will but we need to try and get him stable first." the first paramedic tells him, connecting Zyair to an ecg machine. "He doesn't have that sort of time, he needs his stomach pumped. I am not losing him." John glares. The paramedic looks at the ecg and grabs the stuff to put an IV in Zyair's arm, John trying to ignore the flat tone from the machine. There's a noise from the hallway making Mattheo look up to see Lestrade in the doorway "Gr-Greg." he stammers, looking back at what's happening. "What's happened?" Lestrade asks, going over and putting an arm round Mattheo. "He's overdosed." John responds, not looking away from what he's doing. "Oh God." Lestrade mumbles. "Okay, we need to get him on the gurney." the second paramedic tells the first, putting a syringe into Zyair's IV. "We need to stabilise him first." the first disagrees, looking at the ecg machine. "We're not going to stabilise him here. We need to get him to the hospital otherwise he will die." the second retorts.

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