CHAPTER 20: Dear mate

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"When is the food arriving?" Lilith broke the silence.

"Shh" Scott said.

"What.. I can't wait to taste the food made in the palace" she said boldly.

"If I may ask.. who are they?" The Queen asked.

"My guest" Dracula answered.

"Even my prisoner?" Aaron asked.

"You promised to let him go.. you should keep your word" he replied.

"Shouldn't you have tell us before bringing them here?" The Queen asked looking at how Lilith dress.

"I don't need your permission.. old lady" Dracula remark rudely.

Queen Hannah tried to talk but The King held her lap gently and she kept quiet and cleared her throat.

"What's your name young lady?" The asked the young girl.

"Lilith.. The name is Lilith" she replied cutely.

The king smile disappeared for a moment hearing her name.

It can't be her right?

"What about you young man?" Princess Alicia asked Scott.

"Scott" he replied shortly and look around. Diana is not down yet.

"When are you going to release my son?" The Queen suddenly asked. She had been keeping her words for a while now.

"Do I have to tell you?" Dracula asked.

"Do you have to still keep him in the dungeon since you've found her already?" She asked.

"Your mouth have been running out lately.. should I just double his punishment and cut off your tongue?" He asked. His eyes shows he was serious.

The Queen blinked severally and swallowed.

Just then Diana appeared looking beautiful as ever. Her hair was tied into bun and she was dressed like a princess.

She smiled awkwardly and took a slow step towards the table.

"Awwn you look great.. just like a Queen" Lilith blurted out and faced Scott. "Right Scott?"

Scott snapped out of his trance. "Right" he replied.

Alicia face turned sour immediately and she looked at Dracula. His gaze never left Diana and for the first he found him smiling.

"They must really like each other" she thought and stared hatefully at Diana.

Aaron at the other hand was just staring blankly.

"Oh my! There's no more seat!" Lilith said.

"Come and take my place.. I'm leaving anyway" Aaron stood to leave.

"Sit" Dracula ordered coldly and Aaron turned his head to him.

"Excuse me?"

"I said sit.. the King wants to have a lovely dinner with us. You shouldn't be rude to leave when the dinner is about to start"

"I appreciate that but.."

"Sit" Dracula repeated and Aaron slowly sit.

Diana looked around raised her brow.

"Come here" Dracula stretched his hand and she slowly accepted it. The next thing he did shocked everyone.

He made Diana sit on his laps and stared mightily at others.

Aaron scoffed.

Scott swallowed and bite his lips while Lilith squealed beside him.

"What are you doing?" Diana eyes widened like that of a watermelon.

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