"W-What is he saying?" Cyrus asked, looking from Reia to Aragoth.

"Oh, you haven't told them yet?" Aragoth asked Reia, beginning to laugh again. "Oh, my little Reia, you've deceived them, haven't you? You really didn't tell them anything about yourself? Or about what you did to them?" he continued cruelly asking him.

"Shut the fuck up," Reia hissed, his voice coming out weak.

Aragoth ignored him and turned his attention towards the other two vampires. In the blink of an eye, he was behind them, putting his fingers on their necks, where their bitemarks were. "You two still think that a crazy vampire bit you? What do you call him?... Ah, yes, The Biter!" he said, chuckling to himself. "And your dear Reia still hasn't told you the truth? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Reia, you and your lies!" he moved away from them, looking at Reia now. "You see, this person you consider family," he began saying, moving closer to Reia and putting his arms around his shoulders, "has done nothing but deceive you. The Biter didn't bite you. Reia did," he firmly said.

Both Lucius and Cyrus stumbled backwards, their faces pale. Their eyes kept moving back and forth from Aragoth to Reia. "W-What the fuck are you saying? Stop lying," Cyrus yelled at him, turning his gaze towards Reia with a crazy look in his eyes. "He's lying, right, Reia?" he asked his friend. Instead, Reia didn't respond. He just quietly stared at the ground.

"Reia, please say something," Lucius quietly begged, horror appearing on his face.

Instead of a response from him, Aragoth's laughter filled the cold night air. "Oh, but I'm not lying! You see, the one you're calling The Biter is actually me. However, I wasn't the one that turned you two into vampires. Reia did. And poor me has been looking all over the place for him. I even had to create an army of vampires just to make sure that the next time I see him he won't be able to get away," he explained. Immediately after his words, a hundred vampires with spirals in their eyes surrounded them.

"Reia..." Lucius cried, tears falling down his cheeks in disbelief.

Before anyone could say anything else, Cyrus lunged at Reia, jumping on top of him and throwing him to the ground. He raised his fist, punching him in the face. He kept on punching him again and again, but Reia didn't fight back. He just quietly took the hits with a face void of any emotion.

"Cyrus! Stop it!" Lucius cried, rushing behind Cyrus and stopping him from hitting Reia anymore. He managed to drag the vampire away, leaving Reia laying on the ground, his wounds already completely healed.

"You see, he has done nothing but use you since you met," Aragoth continued talking, an amused look on his face. "He's killed hundreds of innocent humans. Oh, you've already met two of them! That werewolf and her mate. I forgot their names, but I'm sure you met them. Reia was the one that killed her mate and drove that poor werewolf to insanity," he said, faking sadness. "All he's ever done is destroy the people he meets. He did the same with you. He turned you into vampires, destroyed your lives and then made you think he was your friend-"

"Shut the fuck up," Reia cut off his words, having gotten up from the ground. "Please, stop it," he begged, his face looking dark. "I'll do what you want. Just leave them alone. Please," he pleaded, his voice sounding tired and defeated.

"You'll do what I want?" Aragoth asked him, a mocking smirk on his face and his eyes holding a cruel sparkle in them.

Reia gritted his teeth, looking up at the king with anger and fear in his eyes. "I'll stop fighting your control. I'll come back. Just please let them go," he begged.

Aragoth laughed again, looking absolutely delighted. "See, my dear Reia? It wasn't that hard, was it?" he moved closer to him. "Stop using your blood to stop my control," he ordered.

Blood-Mage HuntersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora