The Biter's Army

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"What class do you think they are?" Lucius glanced at Reia, his voice slightly worried.

"By the looks of it, they're all probably Middle Class. Some of them might have abilities, so be careful," he answered, putting his arm up with his palm turned upwards towards Lucius. The vampire quickly understood, taking out his knife and slicing Reia's palm. "Protecting the humans is our main priority," he said, the blood dripping from his hand swirling around in the air, going towards the humans which retreated away in the dark corner of the alley. The blood formed a wall, shielding the humans from the dangerous vampires that were out for their blood.

"Are you sure you can keep up the blood shield and still fight?" Lucius asked, his voice filled with worry for his friend.

Reia only smiled and nodded his head in return, already looking a little out of it. Neither Lucius nor Cyrus were able to say anything else to him, since the vampires rushed towards them, all of their eyes having The Biter's spiral in them.

"Shit! They're fast," Cyrus laughed as he grabbed one of the vampires that dashed towards him by the head, smashing it into the brick wall on his left side, the vampire sliding down and not moving anymore. "Too bad I'm faster," he added, a smug grin spreading across his face.

Just as he said that, another vampire jumped on him, aiming his fangs towards his neck and not giving Cyrus enough time to react. He stumbled backwards, trying to fight off the vampire that attacked him -without much success. Then, a quick blade swiftly cut the vampire's throat from behind, making him let go of Cyrus and drop to the ground. "Too bad you're also dumber," Lucius rolled his eyes, shaking the blood of his knife. "Concentrate, you big idiot," he added, turning around and fighting off a vampire.

Reia continuously dodged the attacks of two vampires, moving almost as fast as Lucius, and landing a few hits. He didn't want to use his ability unless it was absolutely necessary, since he also had to maintain the shield protecting the humans. If he overworked himself then the shield might disappear and he might faint in the middle of the fight. So, instead of relying on his ability, he fought with the vampires using his agility and speed.

One of the vampires managed to scratch Reia's face and push him backwards against the wall of the building, quickly dashing towards him. Reia managed to stop him by grabbing both of his shoulders and trying to push him backwards, but he was getting exhausted from having to keep up the shield, so he didn't manage to shake the vampire off. Giving up on pushing him away, Reia moved his hands from his shoulders, grabbing the vampire from the top and bottom of his head, twisting his head with all the force he could muster up, a loud crack indicating that he managed to break their neck, the vampire's body falling limply to the ground, their neck at an awkward angle.

Reia was breathing hard, feeling his power slowly leave his body, but he refused to collapse. The second vampire he was fighting suddenly rushed in his direction with uncanny speed, grabbing Reia by the neck and smashing his back on the wall, slightly lifting him up from the ground. He put his hands on the vampire's arm, trying to break free from his grasp, but it was of no use. Reia felt his lungs beginning to burn from the lack of oxygen and the blood shield protecting the humans began flickering and moving, barely keeping its shape as the rest of the malicious vampires banged their fists on it.

Just as Reia's vision began getting obscured by black dots and his body almost completely gave up, a loud voice was heard from besides the vampire choking him. "Get the fuck away from him, you ugly bitch!" Cyrus yelled, running head-first into the vampire's ribs, making him fly sideways and fall to the ground, finally freeing Reia from his grasp. He gasped for air and began coughing as he looked at Cyrus -who was on top of the vampire and continuously punching him in the face until he completely stopped struggling underneath him.

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