The Biter

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Grey puffs of smoke filled the white, clean room, earning a cough from Lucius. Instead of stopping, Cyrus took another drag of the cigarette he was smoking, ignoring the scowl forming on the latter's face.

"Cyrus, could you not? I'm pretty sure smoking isn't allowed inside a hospital," Lucius sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in an annoyed manner. "Plus, the smell of smoke is making me completely lose my appetite," he added, picking up the blood bag he was drinking from once again, taking a small sip from the red liquid.

A small chuckle coming from the other side of the room made the two stop squabbling, their heads turning towards the source of the sound. "Lucius, it's fine. It's just the three of us in this room. Just let him smoke," Reia -who was sitting in a white sheeted bed- laughed, finishing his second bag of blood, throwing the now empty plastic container on the side table besides the bed.

Lucius rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything else, simply continuing to drink his own blood bag while glaring at Cyrus, who was taking another drag from his cigarette.

They were inside a hospital; a vampire hospital.

The times when mythical creatures and beings were just myths for the humans were long since gone. For about 300 years, humans have been living together in harmony with these creatures. Of course, some of these beings -like vampires- needed blood to survive, but biting humans was obviously not permitted (and most vampires didn't want to do that anyways, since it was too draining, or they simply did not wish to hurt humans) so, in order to help maintain the peace, these "vampire hospitals" were invented. They were hospitals where humans willingly donated blood, which was stored in plastic bags and distributed to vampires. Of course, since it was a hospital it also provided care for non-humans.

That's why Reia, Cyrus and Lucius were there. On their last job, Reia overused his ability, consuming a lot of magical energy, so he needed blood to recover.

So, this arises a new question:

Do all vampires have special abilities like Reia does?

The answer to that question is no.

All vampires have a higher level of physical strength and stamina than humans, but, in most cases, that's all. That's why it was so easy for humans to accept living with those creatures roaming around. However, there are exceptions.

Considering those facts, vampires can be classified as it follows:

1.Lower class vampires -the most common type of vampires. They were either born from lower class vampires, or they were turned by one. They have the ability to bite and turn other humans and they posses better physical abilities than humans.

2.Middle class vampires -they are more rare than the lower class vampires. They were either born a lower class vampire and then they drank some of the blood of a higher class vampire, or they were turned by a higher class vampire. They are stronger than the lower class, and they also posses the ability to turn into bats. Some of them also might have a special ability, but it's usually not very strong.

3.Top class vampires -this type is the strongest. There are only two ways in which a top class vampire is created: 1.they were either bitten by another top class or by a pure blood vampire and/or consumed the blood of one; 2.they were born a pure blood vampire. Pure blood vampires are extremely rare, so that's why this class is so rarely witnessed. This type of vampires posses extraordinary strength and stamina, as well as powerful abilities.

Reia, Cyrus and Lucius belonged to the last group. Reia had the ability to control and manipulate his own blood, but the other two's powers haven't manifested yet, since they were bitten later than Reia was. They were all bitten by the same vampire a long time ago, meaning that vampire might have been a pure blood. And, that very same vampire is now terrorizing the Cruxesta Kingdom, being called "The Biter", but they have yet to catch him. The Biter is rumored to be the king's son, since the royal family is the only pure-blood family in the entire kingdom. That rumor is also backed by the fact that the king is rarely seen or implicated in any of the kingdom's ruling -most of which is done by the government- making people think he's too ashamed by the wrong doings of his own son.

"We've got another job in the east side," Cyrus suddenly said when he finished his cigarette, putting it out.

"The east side? Weren't there a lot of murders done by a vampire in the west side? Shouldn't we go there instead?" Lucius asked, frowning. "The Biter might be responsible for those."

"Well, complain to the government instead of bitching at me. They were the ones that gave us the job and requested that we go to the east side," Cyrus snapped at him, rolling his eyes and throwing a few official looking papers in his direction.

Lucius quickly scanned them, placing them next to Reia when he was done reading them.

"The Biter might be in the West but those fuckers are sending us to catch a feral man-dog," Cyrus also complained, crossing his arms over his chest and puffing in annoyance.

"He's trying to send us to the other side of the kingdom on purpose," Reia quietly stated as he read the papers.

"And how the fuck did you reach that conclusion?" Cyrus looked at Reia with an unconvinced look on his face.

From across the room, an empty blood bag flew towards him, hitting Cyrus on the side of his head. "We're in a hospital! Stop cursing!" Lucius scolded him.

Cyrus got up from his seat, prepared to jump at the other one's throat, but Reia spoke again, making both of them stop. "It says here that the werewolf has been living in that zone for at least 100 years, but it started killing people recently. That doesn't really make sense. It also says that it wasn't a really powerful werewolf and it was peaceful before," he explained, the other two already figuring out why Reia thought The Biter might be involved in this case.

"So, what if something happened to that werewolf? Something that made it angry or vengeful, but it didn't have enough power to wreak havoc. But what if someone gave it that power? The Biter probably helped it get stronger so it could do enough damage to catch the attention of the government and get us sent there, while The Biter continues to kill people in the east side without anyone stopping him," Reia continued.

"That sneaky fucker," Cyrus cursed under his breath, clenching his fists.

"I guess we're going in the west to catch a werewolf," Lucius sighed, getting up from his seat.

To be continued...

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