Sana just cradles her face and kisses her. Y/n makes a weird noise, her eyes fluttering shut instinctively when Sana moves their lips together. She tastes like the left over rice cakes Sana’s mom gave them for the road, the green tea ones. Y/n lets herself be pressed up against the car, hands coming up to tangle in Sana’s shirt while she kisses her back a little hesitatingly because they’re out in the open and this is definitely a first for them.

Not that she cares, really. She doesn’t have many rational thoughts left in her head once she tastes Sana’s lips.

A cold breeze brushes over her skin and a little child screams in joy on the playground a little further away but all Y/n can hear is her own pulse, the pleased hum vibrating in Sana’s chest, the smack of their lips when they finally pull away.

Y/n chuckles when Sana makes a displeased noise and tries to kiss her again. “What are you doing?”

“Kissing my girlfriend.” Sana licks her lips and Y/n feels so weak.

“You made me pull over to kiss me.”

“Yeah.” Sana grins.

“We said emergencies only.”

“This was an emergency.” Sana grins wider. “I couldn’t concentrate because I was only thinking about your lips. That’s really dangerous when you’re driving.”

Y/n laughs, wants to tell Sana off for wasting their time, but instead she hugs her. “Why are you so cute?”

“What?” Sana laughs, nuzzling into her neck while she wraps her arms around Y/n’s waist. Y/n rests her head on Sana’s shoulder, the fabric of her shirt soft and her body warm. “I was expecting you to get mad at me.”

“I don’t get mad at you.” Y/n mumbles. “Do I?”

Sana shakes her head. “No. You’re too good to me. I deserve some ass whooping from time to time.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Oh… are you gonna spank me if I’m bad?”

“Shut the hell up.”


The following days, classes start again and everything else does, too. Y/n works her shifts at the café and has to get back into track with studying after not really touching any school books over the entire summer break.

She hangs out with Lisa the night after she gets home, which basically means they stay home and binge on Netflix shows, and Y/n brings take-out with her to make up for hogging her car for so many days. Lisa doesn’t hold it against her, saying that she didn’t leave her apartment anyway until Jisoo got back home from her vacation a few days ago.

Lisa looks better now that Jisoo is back, cracking jokes and teasing Y/n about Sana and she also finally took a shower again so it’s safe to say that things are back to normal.

After Sana and her came back on Saturday, they didn’t really have time to see each other again. Sana is working almost all the time since she wasn’t there during the summer to help uncle out at the shop. Y/n doesn’t want to disturb her, knowing that she has to catch up with the jobs that must’ve piled up on her desk, and maybe it’s fortunate that Y/n isn’t such a high-maintenance girlfriend because even though she would like to hang out with Sana, she can handle being apart from her for a few days.

Sana doesn’t seem to feel the same though because Y/n receives following text on Tuesday night:

From: Sana ♥

- Y/n help

- I’m stuck at the shop but I miss u

- What am I supposed to do

Y/n smiles, rubbing at her eyes and pushing the books in front of her away.

To: Sana ♥

- You can come over once you’re done?

From: Sana ♥

- I can’t I have so much work 2 do but I need to see u right now

- Pls

- I want to kiss u

- Really bad

Y/n blushes and curses herself for reacting that way. She shouldn’t get so flustered anymore. Sana is her girlfriend and they’ve known each other for quite a while now.

To: Sana ♥

- Uncle doesn’t want me there

- I don’t want to distract you

From: Sana ♥

- Uncle already went home

- Can u come here?

- You can take your books with u and study here

- I’ll take u home once i’m done I promise

She’s already packing her stuff by the time Sana sends the last two messages.

Maybe she missed Sana more than she realized.

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