Chap. 014:

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"Something wrong Kisaki-kun?"


"You've been starring at me for the past two hours", Y/N stated with an innocent angelic smile as the two teenagers had been left together while the rest of Toman went to take care of something, but Mucho didn't want to leave Y/N alone and unprotected in case of a burglary or some other gang attacking his home.

Chifuyu had highly questioned Kisaki's abilities of protecting Y/N, which was stopped with Hanma offering to stay as well.

Although, not completely trusting Hanma and Kisaki, Takemichi had insisted on leaving somebody else with Y/N, somebody who was trusted by all, although Y/N herself insisted that she's be fine.

Hanma had been sent out to go get some sweets that Y/N wanted.

"What is your plan?"

"My plan?"

"Yes, why else would you willingly stay with a guy you just met about three days ago and act all lovey-dovey with them?"

Y/N just blinked once, her head tilting to the side as she gave him another smile.

"Well, if you put it that way, I guess my parents were right..."

Kisaki raised an eyebrow at her.

"They always said I was a Bambi, a deer that does not run away from the headlights of a car, but right into the headlights of a car", Y/N chuckled as she scratched the back of her neck, playing with a strand of her hair before turning to face Kisaki again.

"But that doesn't mean I can easily be taken advantage of. I have powerful friends and family, and they love to shed blood for me."


"Listen here you old man."

"How dare you-"

"You're either letting Y/N be herself and continue letting her be our friend or I'll make you wish you were never born!"

"Calm down Izana."

"No Kakucho. They try and change Y/N, they try and try to get her to become the perfect little daughter of a prestigious hero-family, but she's our friend. She's my butterfly. And I'll gut anyone who dares to try and take her away from me."

Izana stood threateningly above the older man who sat at his desk.

The two Teens had 'broken in' while he was working and now there was a group of teenagers, dressed in Gang uniforms threatening him.

He was only getting more and more worried about Y/N's wellbeing.

"You don't seem to understand young man."

"The fuck am I not understanding here!"

"I only want the best for my daughter. I realized that it is not my place to tell her who to befriend and who not to. But, I will do everything in my power to make sure that she is befriending people that are good for her. And judging by how you young men treat me, your elder and the father of the girl you allegedly 'love', I highly doubt that you'd treat her better than my family ever could. So I suggest you step down before I have you arrested. Izana Kurokawa."

"How did you?", Kakucho asked, getting cut off by the older man.

"Yes. I like to inform myself about the people my children affiliate themselves with. Especially when I have such a vulnerable and easily manipulated young daughter that is currently missing."

The man stood up, walking towards the gigantic window in his office standing to look out of it.

"Now listen here young men. I like your guts, I'll give you that. And you are deeply loyal, that is something I can respect, but what I cannot respect is when you young men threaten me and use my daughter's life and safety as something to control me. Kakucho, the last time I saw you, Y/N was with you. You two were out in the pavilion of our mansion, teaching her Latin. She was happy with you. She smiled s brightly when you two were together. You have exactly until the end of the week to give me back my daughter. If not I will make sure all of you end behind bars. I will make sure you're ruined. I will make sure that you spend the rest of your lives as miserable as a locked-up lion."

The man looked at each individual in the room.

"Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindo, I have tolerated your rule of fear in Roppongi but unless you return my daughter I'll make sure you two loose everything. I'll make sure you never see each other again. Mochizuki Kanji, wouldn't want to be thrown back into that prison you hate. Shion Madarame, you'll be completely powerless once I throw you back there as well. I'll make sure each one of you is put through hell and back several times unless you give me my daughter back."

Although the man kept a calm posture and steady voice you could clearly hear all his threats and all of his anger through his voice, loud and clearly.

"And you Izana Kurokawa. I'll make sure you'll get the worst fate. I'll be the one to personally throw you into Tartarus. I'll make you watch as Y/N is happy. I'll make you watch as Y/N grows into adulthood, as she falls in love, as she goes through heartbreak, as she marries, as she becomes a mother herself, whenever her health relapses and she'll be in need of help, and others will be there to help her. She'll grow happy, she'll be treasured and she'll become successful, and all that without you. All that while you cannot reach her. And trust me, I know that'll shatter you. I know that'll make you feel helpless. That'll make you break. I'll still allow Kakucho to be in her life, he's sweet, he's loyal. But you won't be able to continue being in her life."

Izana continued to glare at the man, not wanting to accept the fact that he had complete power to do so.

He had the upper hand, he had the high-ground.

"You won't do anything like that ever. Not as long as I breath. I'll make sure to kill you beforehand if I have to. I'll take Y/N away from you before you can take her away from me."

"I'd like to see you try."

"I will. You're just an old man."

"That is correct. I may have the body of a man thrice your age, but I also have a mind thrice your age. You have a young and durable body now, but it'll wilt, trust me boy. I do not mean to harm any of you. But I am a father. And once any of you have a young naïve influenceable daughter, like Y/N, then trust me. You'd do everything for her. So see it from a father's perspective. I just want the best for my daughter and keep her far away from the people who want to hurt her. And in a world like ours, in a world with the Yakuza, with the villains, with people who won't stop at anything to get to their goal, in such a world, a father just wants the best for his children. And you can never be careful enough."

The man had sat back down by now, glancing at the young adult men in his office.

"So leave my office. Leave my family alone, return my daughter back to me, and I'll allow you to stay in her life. As long as you do not endanger her."

With that Tenjiku had been dismissed.



Author here!

Hello my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed today's second chapter, please leave a vote and comment about your thoughts, feedback, ideas, questions,, anything about this story!

Happy eastern in case I do not get to update until Sunday in advance!

Have a lovely day / night,
your author <3

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