Chap. 012:

927 50 14

"Where is she? Where is my butterfly?"

Izana had barged into Mucho's house, meeting the eyes of his friend who was quiet shocked to see the bleach blonde Filipino in the middle of his living room. Kakucho right behind him.

"What are you talking about Iza-"

"Shut it Mucho. Where is my butterfly?", Izana asked in a dangerous tone, having grabbed the taller boy's collar and pulled him down onto the same height, glaring up at him.

"Down the hall, third last door on the left...", Mucho muttered and within seconds Izana was speed-walking towards said door, opening it and calling out for the girl.


"Izzy?", Y/N asked in a tired manner as she sat up from the bed, rubbing her eyes, not fully registering her surroundings.

The only thing she knew was that Izana had engulfed her in a tight hug, burying his face in the crook of her neck, one hand around her waist, securing her and holding her tightly to himself, the other hand on the top of her head, stroking her soft hair that fell completely messily over her shoulders.

Izana was at the brim of tears.

By now it was all over the news.

He can remember it clearly.

"Breaking news! Y/N Hayate, adoptive daughter of the prestigious hero family, the Iida family, run away or kidnapped? Stay tuned for more informations!"

Izana's heart froze, his beloved treasured angel wasn't at home?

What if she really had been kidnapped? What if she was being hurt because of her affiliation with him?

What if she was getting hit, or worse? Izana didn't even dare to think about it.

"Y/N Hayate was lastly seen yesterday around 9:15 p.m. when she left the Iida manor, if you see a girl that matches following characteristics please inform the police or heroes-"

With that Izana shut the TV off.

He was sitting crouched over now, hands folded before his face as his elbows were on his knees.

"Something wrong Iza-", Kakucho was cut off by Izana's piercing eyes, "Y/N is in danger."

"I was just about to tell you that. I know where she is."

"Where is my butterfly?!", Izana demanded to know as he walked towards Kakucho who got slightly scared by the menacing aura surrounding his best friend.

"She's with Mucho. Toman found her lost in the woods, Mucho convinced them to let Y/N stay with him. He just contacted me, Sanzu is gone, it's just him and Y/N now. If you want to go there I'll follow you."

"What the hell are we waiting for?"

"So you got lost in the woods?", Izana asked as by now the four people were seated in the living room with sweets and tea.



"They wanted to send me away to keep me away from you guys!"


Izana asked with a crazed smile playing on his lips, widened eyes, his head tilted to the side, his earrings dangling to the side with his head.

"Izana, calm down", Mucho muttered.

"Yeah, they wanted to send me to some school my mother attended back when she had her 'troubled phase'. But I don't wanna go there! It's over-seas! In the United States! I don't wanna leave you guys here!"

"You won't leave. I'll kidnap you if I have to. You'll live with me", Izana spoke but his concerning words were dismissed by Y/N.

"Actually we basically already did kidnap her", Kakucho stated as he took a sip from his tea.

"We can still make profit from that", Mucho stated, "If we wait long enough there'll be maybe a reward money for whoever finds her and brings her back safely? We bring you back, get the money and you come back to us. Win-win."

"He's got a good point", Kakucho spoke.

"No. We're not risking Y/N getting locked up in that manor", Izana spoke the last words.

Y/N merely ate her sweets, clinging onto Izana like a koala bear.

She was holding onto his arm, leaning all of her body-weight onto the older boy, as she wasn't paying attention to their conversation, being occupied with listening to Izana's heartbeat.

The girl was still in her nightgown.

Sanzu had bought some stuff for her to wear, considering that neither his or Mucho's clothes would fit her, he pretty much just guessed her sized and surprisingly his guesses were correct.

So right now the scarred girl was laying on the couch wearing just a simple baby-blue little dress that cupped her chest and fell widely underneath her chest, it reached about the middle of her thigh and had a low cut back just two little straps holding the dress up. It had a silky under-dress with baby-blue tulle flattering over it around her body, ending in an open manner by her stomach.

Her hair had been tamed, thanks to Kakucho, who had braided it into two long braids, securing them with her butterfly-hairclips.

She was busy munching on a macaron with one hand as the other was wrapped around Izana, her head resting against his exposed chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, her legs sprawled out on the couch, her eyes fixated onto the TV screen engulfed in the story of the show she was watching.



Author here! (once again)

Wow, 4 chapters within 2 days I think it is now?

Please leave a comment on your thoughts and a vote down and see you all in the next chapter!

Have a lovely day / night,
your author <3

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