Chap. 006. (Christmas Special)

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- Shit goes down as the simps try to impress Y/N



"Christmas celebrations were over for the Iida family and Y/N was in her room, putting the books she had received into the shelves as well as the clothes and other stuff she got.

Money didn't seem to be talked about when it was time for gifts.

As Y/N was putting the last book into its place she heard something thumping against her window, with that she opened the balcony doors and walked outside, seeing a hoard of delinquents in front of her window.

"What are you all doing here?", the girl called down, careful to not be too loud as her parents had early patrols in the morning and she didn't want to wake them.

"We got you some presents too!", Ran called up with a big grin on his face as he held up a bag.

Y/N giggled as she leaned onto the railing, smiling down at the group, "Well we can still exchange gifts tomorrow right? I mean my parents have an early patrol tomorrow and I don't want to wake them up and all..."

"We'll be quiet, I promise!"

"Well you aren't quiet now, are you?", Y/N giggled.

She turned around doing as if she was leaving before turning around and leaning over the railing giving Izana a bright smile, "So tomorrow?"

But before Y/N could say anything else a deep voice came from behind her.

"Now what's all this commotion about?", it was Tensei who was on Y/N's balcony, rubbing his eyes slightly as he was still tired.

He wore a blue and white checkered pajama set, it was made of wool for the cold season, long pants and a long button up shirt. His hair slightly messy and glasses on his face.

"Aniki, why are you up so late? I thought you had patrol tomorrow", Y/N asked, embarrassed that she had been caught.

She had already gotten in some trouble for being caught with delinquents (they got her into trouble a few times).

"I'll tell you why I'm up once you explain why a bunch of boys are in front of your balcony", Tensei said as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Also why are you so flimsy dressed?"

Now it was Y/N"s turn to cross her arms over her chest as she stood her ground, "I was just talking with them Aniki, nothing happened, really. And I was just about to go to bed."

"Oi! Leave Y/N alone you old man!", Shion started and Izana as well as Kakucho shook their heads already knowing it would all go down.

With that some other delinquents (higher up members of the Kantou Manji Gang) started telling Tensei to 'leave the angel alone', or 'fuck off', or 'piss off and leave us', or 'leave us alone or we'll beat you up!'.

But a bit afterwards Y/N and Tensei ad enough as they burst out laughing, Kakucho chuckling as well as Izana who just shook his head with a little smile.

"What's so funny Izana?", Mocchi asked to which Y/N called down from her balcony.

"Tensei's my oldest brother you idiots!", she continued giggling to the point she almost fell over the railing of her balcony, Tensei only being able to catch her a second before she could fall over.

The parents letting Y/N drink as she had turned 16 wasn't a too good idea, at least not without prior knowledge about wine.

"Well that's enough for today, you guys can come over tomorrow, our parents won't be here tomorrow, Tenya will be with his friends so you guys will have the entire house to yourselves. But I will be stopping by from time to time so don't get any funny ideas got that?", Tensei said as he picked up his younger sister, carrying her inside, finding a bunch of presents with more names on it, they were most probably for the delinquents.

"To bed you go", Tensei said as he tucked his little sister in and took a moment to look at her.

She had grown so much and had made so much progress.

When she first came to their family she was this weak little girl, a flower which hadn't bloomed yet. She had only one functioning lung, paralyzed legs, many diseases which took a big toll on her. She was such a sick little girl.

And if you looked at her now you wouldn't be able to guess she was ever sick.

She was rather confident, still shy but could and would stand up for herself. She could walk again (even if she needed her crutches, a cane or wheelchair from time to time), her lungs were working again (most of the time at least), and her diseases weren't as prominent as they once were. She had become a blooming young flower.

Tensei was sure proud but also sad to see his little sister growing up.

But she was still a child, she was so happy at Christmas, so sweet and thankful.

The Christmas-spirit had always been strong in the Iida family after all...



Hello my lovely readers!

I hope you all had lovely Christmas and have happy holidays / winter break!

Tell me your thoughts on this chapter and please leave a comment and a vote!

Have a lovely day / night,
your author <3   

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