Maya smiled as she peeked through the slightly jared bedroom door, the curtains were still shut the only light coming from one of the lamps on the bedside tables allowing Maya to see her two girls sleeping peacefully, snuggled together

Evelyn's arm was wrapped protectively around Faith and the toddler in turn was practically laying on top of the the teen sucking on her pacifier as she slept

Deciding to leave them to it she gently closed the girls bedroom door before heading downstairs and outside to start her run, blasting her workout playlist through her AirPods

About an hour later Maya returned from her morning jog to the same quiet and dark house as when she left. Everyone was still in bed, not that she blamed them it was barley passed seven

Throwing off her shoes into the downstairs closet, she headed back upstairs into her shared bedroom with her wife, the said woman spread out on their bed snoring and mouth wide open

Maya playfully rolled her eyes, typical Carina. It was her day off however, so Maya made the very wise decision to not tease the Italian woman. At least not right now. Instead she snapped a picture, the teasing could wait for later.

Grabbing her clothes and underwear for the day she slipped into their en-suite bathroom, hopping into the warm shower to scrub away the sweat from her morning workout, thankfully not needing to wash her hair as she did the previous morning

Once done, Maya left the shower wrapping herself in a white fluffy towel and began to get ready for the day, she and Carina had planned a lot during their 'am talking session'

By eight Maya was dressed and surprise suprise— Carina was still snoring, the firefighter knew she'd have to wake her up soon if they wanted to leave the house early-ish

After throwing her workout clothes down the laundry shute, Maya was about to head back downstairs for coffee when she heard some quiet mumbles coming from behind the door in the middle the hallway

Looks like someone's awake

Maya stood on the top of the stairs,  having an internal debate with herself on whether she should go and check on whoever was awake or to let them come out on their own time and after what felt like hours she decided she'd just go check

So knocking carefully on the bedroom door, she quietly pushed it open revealing Evelyn who was still asleep and Faith laying beside her playing with her stuffed giraffe seemingly unaware of the woman's entrance

Maya watched the toddler try to stay quiet as she could, whilst she played wildly with her toy,

it was cute

"hi, hun. Are you okay, have a nice sleep?" Maya asked the child, was it obvious she didn't know how to talk to kids?

It was clear the woman's presence startled the two year old, as the small blondes eyes widened, her hold on the giraffe loosened and she sat up straighter. Great job Maya, you scared her!!

"oh— uh, sorry for frightening you"  she smiled awkwardly " how long have you been up?" Maya asked peeking at the clock that sat on Evelyns  bedside table, it was now 8:13 am

Faith shrugged, slipping her fingers into her mouth as she peered curiously at the woman who hadn't moved from outside the door

to build a home, marinas daughter Where stories live. Discover now