34 - Get over here

Start from the beginning

For the first time in months, I have no worries. No fears, no stress, no anxiety. The only feeling is the overwhelming state of ecstasy he brings me to with every movement of his fingers.

We make out almost hungrily, only taking our lips off of each other to moan or gasp while we drive each other to the glorious feeling of sensational climax. It doesn't take long for my body to succumb, and only moments later, I feel the warm ooze of his climax too, landing on my body only to be washed away by the streams of the shower.

Afterwards, we stand breathing heavily in each other's arms. I let myself lean against him, unable to stand on my own and rest my head against his chest while he softly brushes his fingers over my hair and back.

I'm sure I'll regret this later. But right now, in the afterbliss of everything we just did, I feel no regret at all.

'Just so you know, you're welcome to shower with me any time you want', Negan says when he's finally recovered his breath.

I snicker and raise my face to look at him.

'I might keep you to that.'

He smiles back and kisses me shortly. Then he reaches past me and turns off the faucet. I feel a twinge of disappointment, but of course he's right. We can't stay here forever.

'Oh, there's nothing I'd rather do than stay in here with you all day', he says, catching the disappointment on my face. 'But we've both got things to do. And when I really fuck you for the first time, I want to take my time.'

What am I supposed to say to that? I just stare at him and try to hold back when he holds me and kisses me. Part of me wants to tell him I don't give a shit about the things we have to do and beg him to fuck me, but as the afterwaves of that amazing orgasm are starting to subdue, the more rational part of my brain starts to take over again.

'You're right', I say, trying to clear my head some more. 'I should get back to my patients.'

'And I should figure out what the hell is next', Negan mumbles as he grabs a towel and wraps it around me.

'I think I can dry myself off', I tell him with a smile when he starts to rub me dry.

'You can do anything yourself', he says, grinning back. 'Like what we just did in there. But isn't it more fun more when someone else does it to you?'

'I'm not sure I can do that myself', I mumble, a slight blush rising to my face. Not like that, anyway.

'So you liked it, huh?' he asks, sounding very pleased with himself.

'It was alright', I tease him, pulling the towel from his hands. For fuck's sake, it was mindblowing. But I don't need to tell him that, because it was already obvious.

His grin spreads wider, but he doesn't push it any further. I take a stealthy look at him as he starts to dry myself off. Fuck, why does he have to be so good-looking? Maybe if this had all been horribly disappointing I would have been able to put it all out of my head. Now I just want more.

'So, what do you think will happen now?' I ask him as we make our way to his room to gather our clothes. I ask it to make my mind focus on something else, and because I'm actually curious.

'Shit, I'm not sure', he says with a tone that's hard to read. 'But I'm afraid that things are going to get worse before they get better.'

I take a look at him and wonder what he thinks of all this. Does he worry about his people? Does it bother him that he might have do hurt or kill people? Or is he eager to quench his bloodthirst?

'Don't you worry about it', he tells me when he sees the look on my face while he pulls up his jeans. 'Nothing will happen to you or to Ella. I promised you, didn't I? I'll keep you safe.'

I offer him a short smile, before turning to my own clothes to hide my face. Sure, I believe that he'll keep us safe. But my worry isn't really for us at the moment. I'm afraid of what he'll do to everybody in Alexandria. But now is not the time to discuss that.

When I stay silent, he walks over and gently turns my face up to look at him.

'You believe me, don't you?' he asks me. His deep stare into my eyes causes any words that I may have replied to stay stuck in my throat. So I just nod.

'Good', he smiles. Than he leans down to kiss me. And it makes me long for more. I thought I might be able to think more clearly after that sweet release. But I might have been wrong.

'Go take care of your patients', he says when he lets go of me again. 'They need you. Don't know what we would have done without you.'

His meaning is clear. He's dismissing me. But I'm not offended. He must have a million things to do now that things have gone so wrong with the communities.

'Yes', I agree, straightening my clothes a little now that I've put them back on.

'Hope nobody died while we were getting frisky in the shower', I mumble as an afterthought.

Negan catches it and laughs loudly.

'If they did, at least they died for a good cause.'

He takes my arm and pulls me closer one more time.

'I'll see you soon', he says after a short kiss.

'I hope so', I say, my eyes lingering on his lips.

And I mean it.

For my sister | Negan | Where stories live. Discover now