3 - We'll be alright

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'So what have you got up here?' Negan asks, wandering into my bedroom.

'Uh, this is my bedroom', I say, trying to discretely look around a little to figure out where Ella went.

'So this is where the magic happens?' he asks with a grin, looking back at me as I follow him into the room.

I don't answer. Instead, I look away uncomfortably. I want this man out of my bedroom as soon as possible.

'You share this room with anyone, doc?' he asks when I stay silent.

'Uhm, no?'

'No? No mister Doctor in the picture?'

'No', I answer him shortly.

'Hm', he says, raising his eyebrows a little before he starts to wander around the room. His eyes land on my dressoir where I've gathered my jewelry and perfumes.

'Oh, my wives are going to love this', he says, picking up my bottle of Dior perfume to smell it.

I raise my eyebrow at the statement. Wives? As in, plural? He looks over at me as he stuffs the bottle into his jacket, as if daring me to comment on it. Or ask him about his wives. I don't. I have no interest in making conversation with this man. I just want him to leave and not find out about the medication I hid beneath the sink.

He starts to grin again and thankfully leaves the room to wander through the hallway. He walks past the room we've turned into our living room and stops in front of the door to Ella's room.

'And what's behind door number 2?' he asks, putting on a gameshow voice. I watch him open the door anxiously, expecting to find Ella there. But when we walk inside, the room is empty.

'Whose room is this?' Negan asks me.

'It's my sister's', I say, wondering where she is.

'Oh', he says suggestively, 'there's more of you?'

'She's only 15', I say agitatedly. I told her to hide for a reason. Ella's a very pretty girl. And men are fucking animals these days. I don't want them to see her.

'You take care of her?' he asks. 'Or are your parents around?'

'No, it's just us.'

'So', he says, sauntering back over to me, 'you take care of your patients, you take care of your sister... But who...' to my dismay he reaches out his hand and gently grabs my shoulder, '...takes care of you?'

'I take care of her, asshole.'

Negan turns around in surprise and I curse under my breath when Ella dramatically bursts out of her wardrobe. She looks at Negan with fury in her eyes and seems about ready to murder him if he dares to touch me again.

'Holy shit', Negan says, sounding amused rather than intimidated, 'were you in the closet all this time?'

'I told her to hide', I explain quickly.

'Why?' Negan asks. 'You think we're here to snatch little girls from their rooms?'

'I don't know', I shrug anxiously. 'Please just... don't hurt her.'

Negan actually looks a little offended when I say that.

'I don't hurt children', he says determinedly.

'Really?' I ask skeptically. 'Didn't you almost make Rick cut off Carl's arm?'

'I was just making a point', Negan says incrediously. 'I didn't make him do it in the end, did I?'

'No, you're right. Very kind of you', Ella says sarcastically. 'I'm sure you've never heard of emotional trauma?'

I close my eyes to hide my anxiety. She's very clearly demonstrating the other reason I told her to hide. Her big mouth is always getting her in trouble.

For my sister | Negan | Where stories live. Discover now