"You are such brilliant boys. I am so proud of you."- I praised them sincerely, hugging them tightly as they squeezed me gently. 

"Can we invite Enrique and Carlos over, per favore, mamma?"- asked my boys with smiles, looking exactly like their perfect papà with those deep dimples, adorably pleading eyes and knees-buckling smiles.

We really did copy and paste.

"Of course, you can. Do you plan to spend time at home or do you want to go out, piccoli?"- I responded warmly, fixing Lucas's messy, wavy, inky black hair.

"Maybe both."- they answered, clearly unsure yet, but that's fine. 

"It's alright. If you decide to go out, text your papà or me where you are going and when you will be on your way back home, okay?"- I told them gently and they nodded, knowing how much their safety matters. 

"Go to my office, my bag is in the closet. Take as much money as you need. Ignazio will drive you to wherever you need to go."- I told them lovingly, pecking their foreheads before they rained the cutest kisses on my cheeks and hugged me tightly. 

"Ti vogliamo bene, mamma."- chirped Luc and Emi, so sincere and tender, and I beamed, the happiest to be their mum. (We love you, mum.)

"Vi voglio tanto bene, miei preziosi figli."- I responded wholeheartedly, pecking their cheeks before letting them go to my office. (I love you so much, my precious sons.) 

"I wish I had you and that sexy hubby of yours as my parents: you shower those cuties angels in luxury and money. My parents gave me 50 euros a week as my allowance and that's if I didn't skip school and blame our Corgi for tearing my homework into shreds."- said Marcel and snickered, making me giggle as we approached the set. 

Lucas's P.O.V.

"How much would we need?"- I asked my brother, unsure whether will even go out because we can have so much fun at home. 

"50 euros will be far more than enough. The most we might do is go bowling."- reasoned Emi and I agreed as we both entered mamma's gorgeous office. 

We took mamma's bag out of the closet and I retrieved her wallet before taking a single 50 euros bill. I gave my brother the money and put everything back in place. Then, we went back to mamma. 

"We took 50 euros, mamma."- we informed her, unable to deny ourselves hugs and she was more than happy to cuddle us. 

"Are you sure it will be enough, tesori?"- asked mamma in worry, fixing my messy, curly, black hair that is very touselled after the intense football game. 

"We don't think we will end up going out anyway."- I said calmly, sighing contentedly, wallowing in the moment like a baby. 

"Alright, but if you need more, text me or papà right away, alright?"- she responded, always so worried and attentive, and we grinned, hugging her tightly. 

We spent some more time with mamma before it was time to get in the car with Ignazio and go home. Our best friends will arrive in 40 minutes. 

"Grazie tante, Ignazio!"- we tweeted happily before dashing out of the car, eager to do everything before our friends come over. 

We showered, changed into comfy, matching outfits - black jeans, a white T-shirt and white-and-black Nike Air Force trainers -  and even had time to finish Geography homework before Enrique and Carlos rang the doorbell. 

"Apriremo la porta, Aaron!"- we told our housekeeper while sprinting down the stairs and he laughed, watching us from the lounge. (We will open the door, Aaron!)

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