I was thinking about how I woke up in the morning with her in my arms.

I was blushing at the thought but stopped when I realized that I still have to make her realize that she loves me.

I can see it through her eyes.
Then why is she hiding?

Or is she giving me a punishment for rejecting her before?

I should ask her the reason soon.

I soon went downstairs along with others and saw her in the living room.

She seemed to be waiting for us.
As soon as she saw us,she stood in front of us opening the box in her hands showing us the rings.

She asked us to select one for each.

She told us the reason behind the ring after we wore it.

If it was a wedding ring, it would be more good but wait- she also gave these rings to others.

Then how can it be a wedding ring- urgh, stop your idiotic thoughts, Taehyung.

I was in my thoughts but snapped out of it when she mentioned about going to meet Eunwoo.

Why the hell is she meeting him?

I can't control my jealousy so I called her and said

Me: Ah, Y/N ? I need to get some important files from my company. So, can I come with you?

I asked hoping that she would agree and she did.

We went to her car, and she sat on the driver seat while I sat on the passenger seat.

She drove off the car to my company.

The ride was completely silent, while me stealing some glances at her time to time.

Soon, we reached there and I got down.

Me: Thank you. I will come in 5 minutes.
Y/N: Ok.

She nodded and I went in.

As soon as I went in, I saw the face of my receptionist who doesn't have a pleased expression but upon seeing me, she got somewhat relieved.


I went to her and was about to ask her what has happened but stopped when my secretary came.

Ms.Lee: Mr.Kim! Thank god you came.

She said while being relieved.
What the hell is happening here.

Me: What happened, Ms.Lee? You look stressed.
Ms.Lee: Mr.Kim, Ms.Choi has been asking for you and she has been waiting here for like a hour. We have called you, but it was not reachable. We even told her to go back and will inform about your arrival but she denied. She was so determined to meet you today.

She said that in one go.

Me: Calm down, Ms.Lee. I will meet her.

With that I went to my cabin only to find her waiting for me.

When she saw me, she stood up and looked at me with anger.

I should be the one doing that.

I calmly went inside and sat on my chair.

Me: Take your seat, Ms.Choi.

I said with a mocking tone.

I don't know why I am so calm?
Maybe I have my Y/N behind me?

Hana: Where the hell did you went for past two days?
Me: Aren't you a mafia? Find it by yourself.

Hana: I see you got guts to speak back to me. Did you forgot about your sweet little family which can be ruined by me?

She said with a smirk.
Anger grew inside me but I calmed myself and said

Me: Are you sure about that? I don't think you can do that.

I said while leaning back which increased her anger.

Hana: So, you don't care about your parents and hyungs now? Rather you care about yourself?
Me: I do care about them.

Hana: You do? But you don't seemed to be? Like if you cared about their lives, you would have agreed to marry me.

Me: Listen Hana, I care about them but that doesn't mean I will marry you. I even love someone else.

Hana: What?

She shouted a little.

Hana: Who the hell is that?
Me: Why should I tell you? You are no one to me.

Hana: You are crossing your limits, Taehyung. I still have some designs which belongs to your company before but not now. Once I released all those designs, how will you get back your top position?

She said whispered slowly with smirk.
I stood up and slammed my hand on table.

Me: Are you even a business person? Stealing others work and publishing it as yours? Won't you have a shame?

Hana: Everything is fair in love and business, Taehyung.
Me: This is not love!

Hana: Say whatever you want, at the end you will agree to marry me.Just wait till I get you on your knees begging to me saying to leave your family and business-

I was about to answer but

....: Not even in your dreams, Ms.Hana.


Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


Updated so soon!
It's  because, I promised you guys to give updates from April 6th!

Stay tuned!
Next chapter can also be updated like this!

And I will try to bring this story as fast as I could but I have already decided the story line which should be present for the betterment.

I guess still 10 or 15 chapters will take for this book to complete.

Are snowies ready to wait for that?
(Answer this )

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