As he looked outside the window, he hoped that Olivia was alright and seeing Natalie so out of control didn't affect her and the baby. He wished to call her but that wasn't the right time, not with Natalie present. He also hoped that she would say nothing to his mother since he worried that it might affect her health.

Despite all that had happened, he didn't care that Natalie caught him constantly staring at Olivia. He could no longer hide the excitement in his body whenever he had his eyes on her.


When Ethan and Natalie arrived at his mother's house, Natalie put on a brave face after she had fixed her makeup in the car. She sat with Ms Hudson and showed her all the several pieces of jewelry he had bought for her big day.

He sat with them but barely paid attention as his mind was still stuck on Olivia. It was only when his mother called out his name that he looked at them to seem attentive.

"You don't seem excited," said Ms Hudson to Ethan.

"I am," he said. "I'm just thinking about the workload I have."

"I could say the same for you, mother," said Natalie with a giggle at how she addressed Ms Hudson.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Ms Hudson.

"You don't seem excited for tomorrow." Natalie pouted.

"Of course I am," said Ms Hudson, forcing herself to smile. All would have been well, if not for the threat that could shake her family. It had already been three days but she still didn't agree to the DNA test and she feared Helena might walk in at any moment. The thought of it gave her no piece, but she still thought she wouldn't allow the DNA test, as she feared what the result might turn out to be.


After sticking around with Natalie and his mother as they spoke about the final plans for the wedding, Ethan  headed up to his bedroom and turned on his laptop to scroll through his gallery and only stopped once he got to his wedding pictures with Olivia. Her bright smile in her gorgeous wedding dress made him run a finger along the screen on the outline of her lips, but he soon pulled back his hand as he shook his head, telling himself it wasn't right.

From the moment he had met Helena and she mentioned that Olivia had been looking at their wedding pictures, he had looked at his wedding pictures every night.

No longer able to act like it wasn't a big deal that Olivia looked at their pictures, he reached for his phone to text her.


"Are you done dealing with your ill-tempered wife?"

"She's not yet my wife."

"It's only until tomorrow."

"Do you still have our wedding pictures?"


"Don't make me repeat myself. You can read perfectly ."

"Fine, I still have them but it's because my father is in them."


"And you? Do you still have our wedding pictures?"

"I do."


"I looked too good in my suit."

"Well, knowing you, I totally believe that. Since you'll be in a new suit, how about you delete those wedding pictures?"

Billionaire Ex-husband's Babyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें