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     It's 6:00 am. I wake up in the morning, but not feeling like P. Diddy. Instead I feel like some sort of zombie rising from the dead. All night long, I've been contemplating about how my first day of teaching will be. Will the children understand what I'm teaching them? Will they fail to pass because of me? What if some of the kids don't like each other? How can I get them to get along? More importantly, will they like me? Yeah. That's important. I love children, and I want them to like me too. That's really the least of my worries at the moment. Looking at my clock, I somehow fail to realize that it is 6:15. "GOVNO!" I should really watch my potty mouth, it won't look good saying that around children.

 I just make it to the school 30 minutes early. I sit outside in the parking lot looking through the folder the principle has given to me that contains information about the children. I know I have read this about 15 times at the least, but I have to review it to make sure that things will turn out well. I opened the Manila envelope and proceed to read the single piece of paper within it.

Hello miss Sonya Willow. Thank you for accepting this job here at Lake Carnation High School. As we have told you previously, your class is a very special class. They do not rotate as the rest of their peers do. You are the only teacher they have. You may be wondering why that is. As previously stated, these children are very special, and they all have a unique "trait" about them. Each and everyone of those 9th graders have some sort of disorder or phobia that interferes with their life. Most of these kids don't have something simple and common, like fearing heights. What they all have, is something deep.

Well, fudgeknuckles. It would really help that dang principle to write what EXACTLY is wrong with these children. I sighed and looked out of my window. It's okay though, I brought something very special for these kids.

Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand on the doorknob. About a million thoughts came to my mind as soon as my fingers wrapped themselves around the cold metal. All of them are actually too stupid to even mention. I pulled the door open, and walked into the air conditioned classroom.

I stood at the front of the classroom and introduced myself to the students. I was honestly pretty surprised to see normal looking kids staring back at me. None of them really looked violent or sad. They all looked really happy which was a big relief for me. I asked them to all stand up and introduce themselves to me. Once we got on the second row, I spotted a girl that was in the third seat. She had a very petite frame with very long dark brown hair and blue eyes. She brought a sense of tranquility over me. Originally, I wanted to teach 2nd graders because I absolutely adore little kids! I tried to find schools that needed elementary school teachers, but sadly none where available. Of course, I'm not really surprised I mean, this is a really hard point in the economy.

Finally all of the self introductions were done. I decided to tell them a little about me to make them very interested. Intrest is what was really going to pull them in of what they were going to hear soon. I told them about my many trips around the world and the funny things that happened on my international trips. I thought it would be nice if I told them about the romantic journeys as well but I can tell the guys weren't really interested. Wanted to hold on to their attention, I told them about the prison I visited in Italy. Of course, that caught their attention.

 After lunch, I decided that things that needed to be done. I couldn't hold off any longer.

"Okay class. I have something I would like to share with you" I pulled out a light, turquoise journal. "This is going to the class book. I learned that you are a very special group of kids. I thought that special kids deserved a special treat. Within this book, you can tell me anything you would like. If you feel bothered in your life, or maybe you just want me to know something about you, write it here." There were mumbles throughout the class, I overheard one of those and thought that I should address it. "Everything within here will be kept private. Each time someone writes out of it, I'll rip that page out after I read it." I couldn't tell what anyone was thinking because they all had the same blank expression on their face. I was panicked by the silence until I heard the dismissal bell. Wow, saved by the bell.

For the next three weeks, no one wrote in the turqoise book. It made me a litle disapointed because I thought we all were bonding with each other. When the day ended I went back to the back of the classroom where the journal was always placed, and picked it up expected yet, another disappointment. This time was different. On that day someone wrote their feelings.


I hope you enjoyed the prologue~!  I'm sorry it was super long >.< Please comment on what you think about it so far!

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