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Jaylicia in mm>>>>>>

" where is jalicia?" i asked walking in from school.

my mom and Micheal were in the living arguing as usual. my mom was crying and he was yelling all in her face. This was nothing new i deal with it everyday. my worries is not on them, im worried about where my sister is.

He stop yelling and they both looked at me. my mom wiped her tears and walked over to me.
"ohh hey baby." she said trying to put on a smile like she wasnt just crying and arguing with this man

when she walked up to me i stepped back, " i said where is my sister!?" i asked again with a attitude. i hate walking into this house and being around them. it automatically changes my mood

she looked at me and then back at Micheal before turning her attention back to me. " i went to pick her up from school but she's over ms.lauren's house." she mumbled

this made me mad. i already know why she kept looking back at him. let him tell it she's not allowed to be a parent to her kids, because he is the only one that she needs to cater to. so her picking jalicia up from school was a form of being a parent.

i balled my fist up from anger, "so that must be why yall up in here arguing?" i asked already knowing the answer

" well yeah baby but-" i cut her off

" and that must be why she's sitting at Ms.Lauren house?" i asked

when Micheal doesn't want my little sister around he makes my mom take her to my neighbor, Ms.Lauren or when im not here to be with her she has to go to Ms.Lauren house. this is what i be talking about. he got her so scared she cant even stand her grounds about her own children

Apart of me is glad that she is allowed to go to Ms.Lauren house. i dont like her here by herself around them. i would like for me to be here with her

" yes but-" she was cut off again by Micheal

" man you aint gotta explain yourself to that grown ass little girl come sit yo ass back down we aint done talking." his voice boomed through the living room. she jumped and quickly walked over to him. on her way over there she looked back at me and mouthed im so sorry

i rolled my eye at her, " im about to go get my sister." i mumbled but loud enough for them to hear me

before i walked out the door Michael looked at me, " and yo ass better be back in this house, im not playing with you." he snapped. i didnt stop walking or even look back, i just walked out and slammed the door.

i walked out the house and over to Ms.Lauren's door. we lived in a ghetto subdivision so there was little kids running around, men standing around gambling and smoking, hood rats walking around half naked and loud talking and cursing.

When micheal said that we should move, he could have a least found a place or area better than this.

i walked over and knocked on Ms.Lauren door, i heard the locks unlocking and i quickly tried to change my demeanour and plastered a smile on my face.

"hay Ms.Lauren" i said as she opened her screen door and brought me into a warm hug.

"hay baby" she sang as we rocked while she hugged me

Ms.Lauren was a older women who was always so nice to the kids in the neighborhood. for some of the kids my age she would be there for them to aleast have somebody to go to and talk to. For the kids who had rough homes or not stable enough, she would give them food to eat. all you had to do was go to her and talk to her. for the little kids that run around she would pass out pop-sickles to them.

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