Chapter 8

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Alysanne and the others departed promptly, leaving Valaerie and Rhaena to see them off. The Queen expressed a desire to spend more time with Valaerie, reluctant to leave her behind.

Valaerie reassured her that she would send letters, promising to keep in touch. Jocelyn also insisted that Valaerie promise to write to her, and Valaerie nodded in agreement. Baelon and Aemon bid their farewells as well.

Watching them leave, Rhaena spoke softly as they walked together. "Alysanne mentioned she'll return in a few moons. She hopes you'll get to meet Alyssa, Maegelle, Daella, and Saera," Rhaena informed her daughter.

Valaerie grimaced inwardly at the thought. She didn't feel ready to meet new people; she'd rather spend her days in solitude.

"How old are they?" Valaerie asked reluctantly.

"Alyssa is 10, Maegelle is 8, Daella is 6, and Saera is 3," Rhaena replied gently, noticing Valaerie's lack of enthusiasm. She knew her daughter wasn't particularly fond of children.

"I'm 19, turning 20. I'm not sure I'm thrilled about meeting people half my age," Valaerie admitted, her tone reflecting her uncertainty.

"Don't say that, Valaerie. They're sweet and you'll find them delightful. Maegelle especially is known to be a lovely girl," Rhaena reassured her.

"I've heard Alyssa is quite spirited," Valaerie remarked, recalling Alysanne's descriptions of the adventurous and spirited young girl.

"She's a bit like you in that way," Rhaena noted with a smile, trying to encourage Valaerie.

"I've already spoken to Aemon, and he understands what's happening," Rhaena continued, taking charge of the conversation. "He promised to keep your secret. I'm sure he's keen to get to know you better."

"He'll make a good king, Mother. Perhaps even better than his father. He won't let his life be consumed by a prophecy he doesn't fully understand," Valaerie commented thoughtfully.

Rhaena sighed, acknowledging her daughter's wisdom. She was aware of the dreams Valaerie had been having; after all, Rhaena herself was the eldest daughter of Aenys and the true heir to the throne. She knew that if things were different in their world, many troubles could have been avoided.

"Jaehaerys is a difficult man," Valaerie remarked quietly.

"Uncle looks down on the capability of women. Because of that, he will sow the seeds of catastrophe in the future," she continued, causing Rhaena to frown in concern.

"What do you mean?" Rhaena asked, her worry evident.

"Jocelyn will give birth to a girl—a fierce fighter, a true dragon. But Jaehaerys's ego will get in the way and hinder things. I've warned Aemon about it. I hope he can navigate through this," Valaerie explained, speaking openly to her mother about the visions that plagued her.

"We should warn them about this," Rhaena suggested urgently.

"I already have. Sometimes a small change can have a big impact on the future. Let's trust Aemon to know what to do," Valaerie replied calmly, shaking her head slightly.

Rhaena fell silent, understanding her daughter's perspective. She knew Valaerie possessed a deep understanding of how events could unfold and the consequences of interference.

"She's my daughter," Rhaena murmured softly, her gaze lingering on Valaerie with a mix of admiration and concern. She trusted Valaerie's judgment, knowing that sometimes, despite the desire to intervene, allowing events to play out could be the wisest course of action.


"Mother... I don't even know what to write anymore," Valaerie sighed, resting her head wearily on the desk. Rhaena chuckled softly as she looked at her daughter.

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