Chapter 6

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"Is it safe?" Aemon asked cautiously, inspecting the earrings that Valaerie had given them. Alysanne glanced at her son but remained silent.

"Don't worry, I've purified them," Valaerie reassured calmly, ensuring the Queen's safety before presenting the gift.

Baelon, still amused, interjected, "Mother, perhaps you should ask a blacksmith to forge them into a dagger."

Valaerie acknowledged his suggestion without much reaction. She had considered it herself, though Alysanne responded with a disapproving hiss directed at her son.

"Valaerie gifted these to me. They're treasures coveted by all of Westeros... I won't turn them into weapons," Alysanne declared firmly. Valaerie took a deep breath, realizing it wasn't wise to display such gifts with this audience.

Sitting beside her mother, Valaerie whispered softly, "Don't take them off, Mother," to which Rhaena smiled and nodded, understanding the protective significance of the necklace.

Alysanne gazed at the earrings, recognizing their origin from Valyria itself. "Valaerie... This is a beautiful gift, one of the most valuable treasures in Westeros. Why are you giving this to me?" she asked sincerely.

Valaerie hesitated for a moment. There were countless such items scattered across Valyria; giving one to Alysanne wouldn't make a difference. She restrained herself from saying this aloud.

Truthfully, upon seeing the earrings, she knew they were meant for the Queen—the woman who had visited her in Pentos several times just to check on her well-being. Valaerie had too many of these treasures, and she felt they belonged with Alysanne.

"Valyria is our ancestors' homeland, our true home... It's only fitting for our Queen to have a piece of our heritage," Valaerie replied cryptically, causing Alysanne's heart to flutter. The Queen gave Valaerie her warmest smile, cherishing the earrings.

"Thank you, my dear," Alysanne said gratefully, and Valaerie smiled in response.

Jocelyn observed them with a smile, knowing she too shared the blood of Valyria. Baelon remained amused by the sight of a Valyrian creation before him. Aemon felt conflicted between admiration and wariness, unable to find fault with the earrings or with Valaerie, who innocently rested her head on her mother's shoulder.

Alysanne and Rhaena hovered over the jewelry that Valaerie had given them, examining the intricate craftsmanship with awe. Meanwhile, Valaerie sat nearby, her gaze fixed on the fire once more, her body undergoing a transformation she struggled to comprehend. No longer did she feel pain or the searing heat of flames—she longed for that sensation again, but her body had grown immune to it.

Rhaena glanced at her daughter knowingly. They shared a bond of trust that allowed Valaerie to confide everything in her mother.


In the morning, a letter arrived from Jaehaerys, requesting his wife and children to return. Alysanne decided they would depart in two days, allowing them time to spend with Valaerie and Rhaena.

Rhaena accepted the plan without issue, but Valaerie quietly wished for their departure. She didn't relish having visitors, but resigned herself to endure it for a while longer.

Despite Valaerie's preference to stay in her room, Jocelyn invited her to watch the princes train. Reluctantly, Valaerie nodded and accompanied them to the training yard.

As they observed the princes spar, Valaerie remained silent but couldn't deny their impressive skill. She knew they would eventually face the harsh realities beyond their sheltered royal lives.

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