Chapter 28 : James

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Its been two weeks since I proposed and now that is actually like fifteen days of me thinking and replaying the moment in my mind.

I see her, I think of her saying yes. She smiles, I think of how happy she got on seeing me propose. She does anything anything and the only thought I have is that this amazing person, beautiful girl, the perfect lady is going to be my wife. She is going to be my wife. Mine.

I keep thinking about the wedding day. I actually daydream mostly about what music will be played. What song will we dance to and her, oh my god she is so pretty naturally.
She is beautiful when she wales up to me, she was beautiful when she was hungover and throwing up with her head in the toilet seat. That beautiful girl, is going to be a bride, she will be in the white dress and her hair done. She is going to be my bride.

Maybe I am a teenage girl deep down.

The thing is she looks happy as well, and that makes me happy. She wants to be my wife as absurd as it is to me. Look at her she's everything a guy wants and she wants me. How is it even possible?

The books and movies they have it wrong, it shouldn't be 'the girl met a pretty boy, he entered her life and the girl's life changed.'

No. Nope.

A good relationship changes life of both people, and for the better. Olivia changed my life, if it weren't for her I would have never known this life. The perfect life. The life with her.

A girl changes the boy's life more than it is mentioned.


Its four in the evening when Ishmael storms in the house, slamming the door. His eyes are red probably from crying or from anger. Olivia calls his name but he doesn't slow down or respond. He marches into his room slamming yet another  door. Olivia glances at me and I shrug indicating I have no idea what is going on.

We decide to give him space and talk about it at dinner. Olivia and I talk and remember back to our teenage days, the time when we were just friends. Olivia wanted to plan the wedding with Harry and May involved and I want that too so we decided to postpone the planning till they return from their honeymoon vacation.

Olivia played the Taylor Swift radio and we sat holding hands, cuddling on the sofa, while murmuring about if Ishmael is okay.

We bless the rains on Cornelia Street
Memorise the creaks in the floor
Back when we were card sharks, playing games


A hour before dinner, I knock on Ish's door to ask if he was doing okay. He didn't reply for a while but then said he would be out in a while. I told him that's okay. I don't know what to do, I don't have experience with kids, mom took care of Hazel and after she was gone. Hazel kept these things to her, the only time she came to me ended up with me beating the shit out of her ex. But hey, that fucker deserved it.

So in conclusion I don't know anything about handling kids. I am worried about Ish. Olivia and I sat down and talked through things about how to handle but see the thing was we couldn't be prepared as we didn't know the problem or the situation. We had no idea. The only thing we could do was wait for him to come out and talk.

Ish finally joined us, he didn't talk for ten minutes. His eyes were puffy from the crying. He sat fiddling his thumbs. Olivia hugged him. He looked at me his eyes were red like high red but from crying.

I asked him as calmly as I could.

"Its Kev." he said breaking the hug with Liv, "his father had a transfer, they are leaving state."

"Oh, baby thats sad but it isn't anyone's fault. You guys can still be together, the long distance thing." Olivia said.

"No we can't. He wouldn't. He broke up, he don't even want to try long distance relationship." Kev said crying.

"Hey, Ish talk to us. What happened kiddo?"

"He said that we are better off broken up because that way I won't be bound and all tied up by commitment to him. I could date someone else who would be there with me the second I need. Who I can hug or kiss anytime I want." Ish continued sadly, "I told him that that someone I want is him but he said he can't.
He doesn't believe in long distance. He said its not short time thing, he won't be coming back here atleast until after college and he doesn't want either one of us to give up on college life and all the fun parts because of this."

Olivia hugged him as he sobbed louder now. I was frozen, Kevin is just a kid too but this was way too much mature of him and its a lot for both of them.

"Ish, its hard I know. Think about it if this is so hard on you what about Kevin. He must have known about the transfer a while ago, he must have gone through this god know how many times.
Its okay Ish. It will be okay with time. Right now you should be with Kevin, spending as much time as you can. Say your goodbyes,don't give this a bad ending."

"Uh huh, you think he would like to hang out?" Ishmael asked innocently.

"Of course. Baby he would love that. Have dinner, go to his house." Liv told him with a smile.

"Okay!" Ish said somewhat passionately, "I made a mixtape for him. I added never be alone to remind him that I will always be here for him."

"Thats so sweet of you, make sure to tell him that." Liv told her smiling through tears.

I hugged her and made Ish joined us. All three of us sat there clinging to each other.

Take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone

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