E p i l o g u e

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K a t e S t o n e

Everything's packed, I'm standing right here with around 300 men. Battling along side with me, fighting others, killing the ones who get in our way.
But Mike is mine, he's mine to kill, my face is the last face he'll see before going to hell.
I'm done being careful, he knows I'm here and I don't care. He's going to die and it's going to be today.
We search the grounds, I find him walking my way, armed but alone.
His men are fighting, but not fighting like they want to kill, it's like they just want to keep them away from us.

"Hello Kate, good to see you again." Is the first thing he says.
"You're going to die Mike, today." It was like his eyes lit up. I threw my pocket knife it him, but he's not moving, not even an inch. He's just standing there, watching me, watching as death is coming closer to him.
"Nice try Kate." He tilted his head and threw my knife back into my direction, but not to hit me, he just threw it towards the ground.
"Why don't you fight back?!" I yell. "Fight fucking back asshole!"
I lift my gun and point it at him, hoping to get a reaction out of him, any reaction. But nothing happens, not even when I hold my finger on the trigger. Something's wrong, I just know it.

He lets out a soft chuckle, "Just shoot me Kate. I'm already dying anyway, I don't have long to live anymore. The sooner I'm gone, the better so make it quick."
I looked confused at him, shaking my head slightly.
"You started a war, looking for your brother, you've got a horrible past," he's just trying to distract me is what I'm saying to myself, just shoot him is what I keep thinking- but somehow I can't.
"This war is pointless Kate. You've had a war before, for your family- you got a sister out of it, I still have to thank you for killing her by the way. She was worthless, she didn't care about either one of us, she played us both. She was just after what you built, what you made of your life, and when that didn't work she came to me. She tried to get my entire world, everything I built. Anyway, after I killed your brother, after I made you fall in love with me, I betrayed you to get everything you have. Everything was working out, until a few weeks ago I found out I have cancer, I've got nothing left to lose anymore."

He takes in a sharp breath.

"I wanted to have that child with you, he or she would've inherited everything I've got, but that damn slut of a sister of yours ruined everything, she shot you in the fucking stomach. She was supposed to shoot you where it wouldn't harm the baby, or at least not so much. She ruined all my plans, my life, my future." Every piece starts to fall in its place, the guns missing; Jenny being so timid, being interested in both our life's, not caring about my child. She wanted to ruin everything we both have, and she almost succeeded, almost.
"I don't care if I die anymore, it's all yours Kate. It's all yours, I've only got a few more weeks to live, the cancer is spreading to fast."

He looks up, "for what it's worth, I started to fall in love with you, but I couldn't, I didn't allow myself to fall for someone, for you." He pointed his gun at me.
He wanted to pull the trigger, one more bullet before he loses the chance forever.
I shot at him before he got the chance to shoot me, his body fell limp, unmoving. Dead.

It's finally over, this war with him, it's over.
The betrayal of my own blood, over.
I always thought I'd be alone in this world, but I've got Trevor, and now, I've got Alexandro with me, by my side.
I don't know if I'll ever trust anyone again, but I know I can count on both of them. Always.

Mike's men stood still, stepped forward towards us.
They kneeled down on one knee, head down.
One of them looked up.
"We are at your service, miss Black. Our former boss- Michael- made us vow to follow your orders."
I nod and walk through the crowd, they stand up and follow me. Alexo on one side and Trevor on the other, the only people I can always count on without a doubt. The love of my life and my right hand.
My life.

We make it back home and when I'm in my office I realize something, we've made it till the end of the line, the war is over. The next wars I'm going to have are wars to rule the world.
But this time, with an army so big one can dream of.

The end.

Love And War | a mafia storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum