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K a t e   S t o n e

When we got back home, I threw my keys and stuff on the counter. Trevor looked at me confused. "How did that meeting go?" He asked as I stormed off to my office. I sat down on the chair, Trevor sat down in front of me, waiting for an answer. "It was a setup, Mike planned all this."

"Fuck!" Trevor sighed "how did he get in? I thought the borders were protected by the Italians, that there was no way he would've been able to get here."

I looked at him, stood up and looked outside. "I don't know, he probably bribed some guards, we can't trust anyone." He got up and stood next to me. "Not even your husband- soon to be husband?" He asked, I looked at him and sighed. "I'm not sure, I don't know who to trust anymore."

"What about me? Do you still trust me Kate?"

"Of course I do, you're the only one. Look, I've got a new meeting with the mafia leaders, this time I called it in and I want to make a deal."

"Where is it? When?"

"Tomorrow, 6pm at the Mancini warehouse but I'm goin alone, to many guards draws to much attention."

A knock on my door made me turn around, Alexandro came in and waited for me at the door. "Kate, I need to talk to you." He looked at me then at Trevor and back at me. I looked at Trevor and nodded to signal he can leave, he left and I sat back down on my chair. "Alexo, I need extra guards tomorrow at 6pm at your warehouse." He looked confused at me. "Why?"

"Extra precautions, I'm going to be there so I want extra protection." He nodded and pulled out some files. "I looked into some of the new guards, their background information isn't right, something doesn't add up and I think they're the ones who were bribed and let Mike in."

"I know, they're already in the basement to 'interrogate' and no they are not dead, yet."  I got up again and walked towards the door, walked downstairs and went to the basement. "For now they're still alive, but not for long."

Alexandro walked behind me, when we got to the guards they looked confused, not understanding why they were here. I opened the door and smiled innocently. "Hi guys, do you know why you're here?" They shook their heads confused. "Well let me explain it to you, you guys betrayed us, you are working for our enemy and gave intel to him." I grabbed the knife from the table and took a few steps closer. The color on their faces slowly disappeared, my smile turned into a smirk and I loved how scared they were. "So let me explain what's going to happen, either you tell me what Michael is planning..  or you die slowly and painfully, feeling your life slip away, blood dripping out of you and the moment you think you're about to die, I'll slit your throat."

Their face went pale and if they weren't scared now, they're terrified. To make them more terrified, I sharpened my knife in front of them, occasionally cutting their arms until they decide to speak up.
"Kate, they're not going to talk." I turned around, Alexandro was leaning against the doorframe. "I know, fools, but at least I can kill them." Their eyes widened and tried to get lose, I took a step closer and put my knife on one of their throat, putting pressure on it. A few blood drops dripped on the ground, he tried pulling his head back but he was stuk to the wall. "Talk." I snapped, moving the knife a bit, he refused, shaking his head. I slit the knife over his throat, he chocked on his own blood, his 'friends' turned their heads and tried to get lose again. I cleaned my knife on his jacket, walked towards the next guy and did the same to him. When I got to the last one he finally spoke up, spilling everything Mike told to him.

I threw my knife on the table, cleaned my hands and walked upstairs again. A guards opened the door for me, "clean this mess up." I snapped and walked towards my office. "Is Trevor going with you tomorrow?" Alexo asked as he followed me inside, I shook my head and grabbed a bottle of water out of my mini bar in my office. "No, he doesn't know I'm going to be there with dubbel the guards, he thinks I'm going alone." He looked confused at me. "Why? I thought you trusted him?" He looked at me, waiting for an answer, not understanding why I didn't tell him, I sighed and looked at him. "No one knew about that negotiation, Trevor did, you only found out right before we left and I was with you the whole time. You wouldn't have tipped off Mike, neither could have the leaders of those mafias. Trevor has been acting strange, making calls and leaving the room, not telling me anything."

"But why Trevor? He's been loyal to you since the start, since he met you. There's no way he could've done it, who else did you-" he stopped talking and stood up, he put a finger on his lips- saying to be quiet. He searched around my office, looking for gods know what. He started moving things around, looking everywhere until he found a little microphone, he held his hand up, showing it to me. "Maybe you're overthinking it Kate, Mike probably knew you were going to be there, Trevor is loyal as hell." He put the microphone back and pointed towards the door, indicating to leave and talk somewhere else. We left my office, we went to his and he did the same there. He looked through his office but didn't find a microphone. He opened the door to the balcony. "Who had access to your office?" He asked urgently, I tried to think but couldn't. "Uhm I-I don't know, Trevor has key for emergencies, but so does Jenny I think." He looked at me, grabbed my shoulders "think Kate, who has access?"

I took a deep breath. "Trevor and Jenny." I said softly, he walked off, he was angry- more like pissed off I'd say. "Alexo! Alexo wait, don't do anything stupid!" He didn't listen, he just kept walking. "Alexandro!" I yelled, he stood still but didn't turn around. "Don't do anything yet, we don't know who put it there, just calm down and let's find out who did it. Don't make rushed decision that will screw up everything, we've got Mike where we want him to be, we can trick him tomorrow and kill him finally." He looked unsure at me but nodded, knowing I'm right. "One of them betrayed me Alexo, after everything I did for them, after everything I told them about people betraying me and they still did it and they won't get away with it, it doesn't matter if they're family or not. Betrayal means death."

"Kate, if it's really one of them, you wouldn't be able to kill them, I know you can not do it, that it's to hard to kill your own family."

"I killed my aunt for hurting my mom when I was younger, I killed her a few years ago and to see the fear in her eyes, it was great. I will kill the person who betrayed me, no matter what."

"But you weren't as close with your aunt as you are with them Kate." I looked at him, he's right but one of them betrayed me and all I know is revenge.
"Betrayal means death Alexo, you know it better than anyone else." He nodded slightly. "Let's get some sleep now, we've got a busy day tomorrow." I said as I walked out of the office and towards my room. He walked to his room and we said our goodnights before closing our doors. I took a shower, changed into my nightwear and fell asleep soon after.


I woke up early, I got ready and prepared for tonight. Today is the day I take down Mike, once and for all.
I practiced my shooting all morning, after noon I got ready to leave. Some guards already left to the warehouse, I waited not so patiently till it was 5.30 p.m. I got in my car and drove towards the place to be, when I got there I already noticed another car behind the warehouse. It wasn't one of mine and neither one of Alexandro's, I didn't recognize it.
I did have an earpiece in, I waited in my car and one of the guards said something that caught me off guards.

"Boss, one of the guns are missing from the armory, a handgun." Trevor had access to it, but he has his own guns so it doesn't make any sense for him to take a gun. Especially a handgun. I looked at Alexo, he was already looked at me. "Kate, who could possibly take a gun." I shook my head, not knowing who would actually betray us and steal.

Our guards always need to let us know when they take a gun, they can't leave the armory without letting it know so it has to be someone who knows how everything works.

I saw another car pull up, it stopped in the front and Mike stepped out. "Come on Kate, come out wherever you are." He yelled, looking around. I got out of the car, walked towards the front- towards him. "How did you know Mike?" I asked, knowing already how he knew.

Another car door opened, I saw two feet touch the ground but I didn't see a face yet. When the person walked behind the door, I was shocked, I never believed this betrayal. "I trusted you, I cared for you, you meant so much for me and right here, right now, you put a knife in my back. I hate you." I snapped, a tear fell down my face and felt my heart break. I knew someone betrayed me but I never believed it was true that it was someone so close to me. "I hope you rot in hell." I pulled out my gun and a fire das shot, the only problem is that it wasn't my gun who fired a bullet. My shirt drained in blood, I saw my life flash before my eyes and before I knew it, I was laying on the floor. Laying in my own blood and fighting for my life. Alexo bowed over me, holding pressure on the shot wound. Guards firing their guns, bullets flying everywhere.

I'm getting a real strange feeling of deja vu

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