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K a t e S t o n e

I drove to m-our fathers house, banged on the door.

A butler opened the door, I pushed him aside, Jenny walked behind me crawled together.

I walked to him, grabbed the hen of his shirt and stared punching him, I gave a punch after every word

"Cheat" I yelled

His lip was covered in blood

"I didn't mean to cheat.."

"But you did!"


"Look at her!" I said pointing to Jenny


"Your daughter" I said looking at her
I dropped him to the ground and took a step back

"If you weren't her father as well, I would've killed you!" I said

Jenny was standing in the back, tears in her eyes and scared as hell

I walked towards her
"Sorry you had to see that"

I grabbed her hand and walked out, we were driving back home when she spoke up

"How was she, your mom?"

I sighed

"I don't remember much, I was 10 when she died"

"Your 26 now?!" She said in disbelief

I chuckled

"Yeah, I'm almost 10 years older than you"

She looked out of the window

"Does Mike have any younger siblings?" She said not looking at me, trying to hide her blush

I started laughing
"No, sorry"

"You're the mafia aren't you?" She asked in a sad voice


She looked at me and back outside

"You want to go shopping?" I asked

"I don't have any money"

"I have" I said smirking
"Your my sister, I pay"

"Okay then" she said excited

We got to the shopping mall, she chose some things

"What about a bikini?" I asked

"I don't swim"

"Why?" I asked

She looked down and walked further
I followed her

"Hey, don't me ashamed.." I hesitated
"If you saw my body, you'd understand I know the feeling"

"I'm not sure" she said looking down again

I took a swimsuit from behind my back and showed it
"It's really nice" she said

She took the price tag and looked

"That's really expensive" she said gasping

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