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K a t e S t o n e
A few days later

It's been a few horrible days, agonizing days. I've been on bed rest the whole time, thank goodness I'm in my own house right now- well not exactly my own house, Alexandro lives here to.
They transferred me home after two days, I stayed in the houses hospital the whole week, it hurts like hell when I move but I manage.
I can walk around again, it hurts but it's bearable.
When I walked into the kitchen I saw Trevor and Alexandro laughing- am I dreaming?
"What's so funny?" I ask as I sit down next to my fiancé. "Something I did, shouldn't you be in bed or something?" I shook my head. "I've been in bed for days now, I'm moving on and getting back to my revenge plan. I want- no need- Mike dead." They both looked at me, worried. "Kate, it's okay to mourn, you lost your child."
"That day I broke down, was a moment of weakness. It held me back. Now, I've got nothing stopping me, nothing to worry about. I will kill him, no matter what or how." They know better than to argue with me, Alexandro sighs but nods well. "Fine, but we have to marry. My guards, my family, they won't respect you unless you're my wife. And we need them if we will take Mike out. And about Jenny-" I looked at him, my blood boiling at hearing her name. "I took care of her already- let's say she won't form a problem anymore."

I should feel angry, sad- something. But I don't, all I feel is regret that I didn't kill her sooner, or that I didn't even see it coming- her betrayal.
But even after all, I feel numb. I don't care anymore, all I want is Mike dead, and if it kills me in the process, so fucking be it.

"You're guards fear me, they respect me."
"Not enough Kate, they think this is temporary. They won't keep following your orders, they'll turn their back on you, they don't trust you enough. My word isn't enough anymore. Thus needs to happen, and soon."
I looked at him. "It is temporary." Sadness filled his face, and I regretted it the moment I said it. I sighed.
"We'll marry next week, let someone get everything ready. It needs to happen as soon as possible." He nodded and got up. Trevor looked at me unsure, disappointed. "Spit it out Trev, what's wrong?" His elbows were leaning on the table, his head dropped in his hands. "You lost another child and you don't even care." It hurt to say him those words- like I don't care I lost my child. "I did care Trev, I lost my child again. I almost lost everything, but I cried myself to sleep every single night for the past week, I don't have any tears left to shed. I don't feel anything anymore, I can't. I won't allow myself, we've got bigger thing to worry about than my dead child." I walked away before he could say anything else.

The only thing that can calm me down is shooting, beating the crap out of someone. It looks like it's my lucky day, someone who owes me money was taken this morning, my guards already tied him up. I went downstairs and grabbed a taser.
"So, Stanly. Where's my money?" I pressed on the 'power' button of the taser and held it closer to his throat. "I-I don't have it miss black. I have not enough, I have some but not everything." I clicked the power button again, fear filled his eyes. "P-please Dazina, I-I have a daughter, she needs me. She doesn't have anyone else. Please d-don't do this." He tried to lean back in the chair, leaning away from the taser against his throat.
I sighed.
"Stanly, I lend you that money two months ago, I gave you a month to get it back to me, it was just a loan. Where's. My. Money?!" I'm losing my temper but I don't care. I want to hurt him so bad, and it's not even about him, or the money. It's about all the betrayal in my life. He started shaking his head.
"Stanly! I've got so many dirt on you, I'll put you in jail for a lifetime. Sex trafficking? Drugs dealing? Child dealing?" Every accusation I said with more disgust. "You killed your own wife! But I don't really blame you, I want to kill my ex as well, he's a real dick, but you know him? Don't you? Michael Corbent?" His face went pale. "Yeah you know him, where is he?" I leaned a little closer, whispering in his ear. "Maybe I'll spare your daughters life."
A tear fell down his face, and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed his fear, his anger, his sadness.
"H-he's at the-the port."
"Which one?"
"The Gioia Tauro harbor" he took in a big gasp of air, fearing for his life.

He doesn't care about his daughter, he just uses her.
He tried to get her into the sex trafficking, when his wife found out and tried to stop him, he killed her. He didn't care his daughter was 14, that she would grow up without a mother.
When he did kill her, he got what he wanted. At the age of 15 the innocent little girl was trapped in sex trafficking, until I got her out of it. He doesn't know, but he'll find out soon enough. I saved a lot of girls already, I exposed and took down around 6 sex trafficking houses, hotels, and clubs. I hate how everyone gets treated in there just so men can have their pleasure. It's sick, it's gross. It's one of the things I hate most about humanity.

"Please d-don't kill my daughter." He stammered
"I won't, she's safe." His face crunched up in confusing. "Oh, right, sorry. I saved her already, I got her out of that disgusting place. She's safe, and away from you."
He dropped the act almost immediately.
"She was worthless anyway." He tilted his head and smirked.
I walked away but turned around again, slamming my fist in his face. "You're disgusting." I held the taser against his neck again and tased him until he was frying on the ground. As I walked away I saw fear in the guards eyes, I ignored it and walked back upstairs.

Trevor walked towards me- rather ran.
"Did he say anything?" He asked, I nodded. "Yeah some filthy shitty things, and where Mike is. The Gioia Tauro harbor. Get everyone ready, we're leaving in half an hour." He nodded and ran away, getting everyone ready.
I went to my room, changed to full black outfit. Black cargo pants, black shirt, black boots and different guns. One in my ankle holster, two around my waist, a knife in my sleeves and a gun behind my back. Better be prepared for what's about to go down.

In no time we were at the location, it might be true. Guards were heavily armed, watching out.
"Why would he hide out here?" Alexo asked.
"Quick escape, quiet escape. He can leave without us noticing. Cargo ships leave all the time. He can hide on one while we kill every single person."
He looked at me.
"Kate, we might not survive this. I want to get these words out before I lose the chance to." I looked confused at him.
"I loved you since the moment we met, I know you down want this arranged marriage but I don't see it like that. I want this, I want us, I want you. And maybe you lost your trust in people, but I'll always be there for you, you know I will. I want to marry you- gosh I need to marry you. I don't know what I'll do without you anymore. After I lost you when we were younger, I lost my light, my hope, my life. But ever since I saw you again, I saw the spark in life again. I saw the sun shining again, and it's because of you. The sun, the sky, the stars are pretty, but you? You're beautiful, you're gorgeous."

He remembers how much I loved to stare at the stars, climbing on the roof to star gaze. To be with him on that roof and be near him. The stars didn't feel the same; it didn't have the same effect on me after I left.
The reason I loved to stare at the stars was cause he was with me. Cause he was there with me all the time, no matter when or what.
I loved him since the moment he pulled me on that roof after my parents forbid me.
I loved him since the moment he looked at me staring at the stars.
I loved his since forever.

"I love you too Alexo." His eyes lit up, it had the same spark it had the first time I said it to him when we were kids.
He pulled me closer and smashed his lips on mine, it was a desperate kiss, but sweet, soft and just amazing. It's addicting, it's caring.
"Now let's kill your toxic ex." His words made me chuckle until I was pulled back to reality. We were standing on the same ground I'm going to kill Mike on. No one is pulling me back, not even my fiancé because he's right with me, he's right here fighting my battle.

It's always been like that, me and him against the world. It's going to be like that forever.
Always and forever might be long, but with him it's perfect. And it might not be long enough for me.
He's the one for me, he's always been the one for me and always will be.

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