Another punishment..

Start from the beginning

The water was about halfway up his torso-? Not that it mattered but still.. Eclipse let Sun breathe for a moment before taking his head and his shoulder and forcing him back down into the water.. Sun tried to stop himself from getting pushed down, but it was useless.. At least he took a breath so he wouldn't drown yet- Although he still tried to get himself back up.. Or even out the bathtub would be good.. Eclipse keep Sun under the water a little bit longer... Eventually letting him go again… As Sun jolted back up, gasping for air and taking a few breathes.. At least Eclipse was merciful enough to let have breaks.. Even though he would let him drown.. Eclipse took the moment to stretch for a bit.. Sun took notice of it, as he attempted to get out, not wanting this anymore, his rays being retracted this whole time.. Eclipse was stretching his two bottom arms while the top two immediately forced him back into the water… Each time he kept holding him down in it longer.. Well, you can't say he didn't try at least..

“ STOP PL— ” that was the last thing he said before he was forced back under the water, as he tried to keep the bit of oxygen he had right now. After a bit, Eclipse let go of Sun again and Sun got up again, with another gasp for air, coughing once more. Eclipse cracked his knuckles, giving him less time to take his breathes this time, as a few seconds later he took his head and shoved it under the water again... Since Sun couldn't actually get a good breath, he technically just remained with what he had before, as he struggled to keep it in and struggling to get up. It probably worsens with how much longer he’s holding him under unlike the last time.. Eventually when he felt like he couldn't hold his breath anymore, his struggles were more desperate. But Eclipse didn't let go yet.. He kept Sun under the water a bit longer.. Sun continued to desperately struggle to get up, as his oxygen was depleting at a quite fast pace.

And then Eclipse let go again.. As Sun immediately got up, gasping again followed with coughing up a bit of water. Eclipse cracked his neck looking around for a moment.. Still having Sun in his vision though. Sun didn't even try getting out of the bathtub, as he was too busy trying to catch his breath “ P-Please-.. S-Stop.. N-No more.. ” Eclipse looked at Sun.. Tilting his head slightly… Before bringing Sun over to him and kissing his forehead… Sun flinched at the sudden touch, he was slightly trembling, though he hoped Eclipse was done.. Because he doesn't want this to continue any longer..

Eclipse kept him there for a moment… Before bringing him back under water… Guess that's a 'No, I won't stop just yet'.. At least he had a more proper air break, so he could hold his breath for a bit longer now. And Eclipse once again, held Sun under.. since he had some break to breathe, it’s obvious this man was gonna hold him under even longer than last time… Sun just held onto his breathe, hoping he could last till the next break.. Eclipse continued to held him under longer...
And a little bit longer.... Sun did lose a bit of his oxygen, though he still held in the rest.. Just last a little longer..
A little bit longer...

Eventually a bit more of the oxygen slipped out, as he started to struggle to get up, he did felt like it was too long and he couldn't last that much left.. But Eclipse hasn't let go yet.. Sun continued to struggle, quite a lot, as a bit more oxygen left his body.. He would scream, but is it worth it? Nope.. Eclipse just watched him struggle, still holding him down under the water.. Sun continued to desperately struggle, his tries of getting up became more and more frequent... Perhaps he felt like he was losing too much air and couldn't hold on more under the water..

He can last a bit longer- I mean, he’s gonna have to- Eclipse hasn’t let go yet.. Sun surely would've teared up by now, though he still struggled to get up, as he tried to keep the last bit of air.. But still not let go.. Sun struggles became from being so.. Frequent- To slowing down a bit, slightly trembling trying to keep the bit of oxygen he has left...

...Just... A bit.. Longer...

His struggles eventually stopped, now just focusing on trying to keep the last bit of oxygen inside of him.. And…
A few seconds later, Eclipse finally let go.. Sun immediately got up, gasping for air and coughing up water, as he struggles to catch his breath.. Eclipse got up and got a towel, mainly using it to dry himself and the floor up- Of course, he didn’t forget about Sun, having another dry towel and setting it down on the toilet’s closed lid- However, he sat back down where he was… Sun was struggling to catch his breathe, slightly coughing still “ N-No more.. P-Please.. ” Eclipse stared at him for a moment, before bring him close again, and going to pull the plug to drain the water… At least that torment is over... Sun continued to catch his breathe, which eventually managed.. His rays still being retracted, his body was slightly trembling. Eclipse waited for the water to drain, still holding onto Sun..

When the water was gone, Eclipse grabbed the towel and wrapped it around Sun… Sun just let it happen, since he doesn't have the strength to even resist anymore.. Perhaps slightly sleepy too.. Guess this is how it's going to be from now on?.. Eclipse dried Sun off a bit more, before picking him up and leaving the room with him… Sun did slightly doze off.. But he couldn't fall asleep.. Not yet at least..

Into Sun’s room they went… Which.. Wasn’t as clean and tidy as the last time he was here…. But his bed was still intact… Just-.. Moved.. And Eclipse laid him down on his bed... Covering him up with the covers that are totally not a bit ripped- Sun just stood there, barely holding his eyes open, but still trying to stay awake.. He really doesn't want to sleep.. Not yet at least.. Eclipse gave him a small kiss on the head… Moving a hand over his face, mainly to get him to close his eyes.. He simply walked away afterwards, leaving the room with a click coming shortly after… Sun looked at the door a bit.. Did he lock the door again?.. Oh well, not like Sun has the strength to get up either way.. So he just closed his eyes..
...Falling asleep...

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