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His one hand was on her back and other on her head,
slowly and soothingly patting her.
Yes. That's what she was feeling right now, something she has been longing for ages now.
Suddenly he felt a punch in his gut
"Ouch! Violent woman!"
"You jerk!"
"I think the right words you should be looking for are 'I am so happy to see you' or 'You are the best' blah blah and here you are punching me"
"Don't tell me you seriously thought I would be giving you some thank you speech and besides you deserve more than a punch for hiding from me and doing God knows whatever you are doing "
"I thought I will get the punch after I tell you the whole truth not so soon. Maybe I forgot how feisty you have always been"
"Wait a second, is your name really Fabian?"
"It is . It's just that you never cared to call me that. It was always Oreo for you"
" It just sounds strange maybe because I am not used to it. That's it."
" So Fabian..."
Before Stella could ask anything, Fabian cut her off and said," You can ask me anything you want. I will answer all your questions and I know you have a whole lot of them but let's first eat something. You woke up after three days.You need to eat. Let's go down "
" Aye Boss"
They were walking down the stairs and Fabian saw that she was still holding her onto hand.
Stella looked towards him and saw that he was looking towards their entwined hands.
"I thought you would get all shy and leave my hand"
"Oh please. I am not exactly kind of person who gets all blushing and shy. Besides being shy and cute is kind of your job,not mine" she  smirked.
"I can never win with you,can I?"
"Nope. I always win. That's the deal we always had, remember?" and just like that they reached to dining room.
"You have a beautiful home" she told him
"Our home.Not just mine."
He took her to the entrance and showed her the nameplate on the wall which was carved with their names.
She got overwhelmed and hugged him tightly   with a muffled thank you in between.
"You have learnt some tricks to impress a girl"
"Well ofcourse I had to. The girl I was waiting for is very stubborn and difficult to impress "
"Well I am sure that girl would be over the moon to have someone like you."
"I definitely hope so"
"Where is this place by the way?"
" Somewhere far away. I will tell you everything tomorrow "
After breakfast whole day they spent together.
They walked through the garden talking and laughing, teasing each other while playing some indoor games, knowing things about each other that they have missed , the random touching of their hands here and there while making lunch and dinner.
It felt like they have been living together like this for years.
And truly they were at home.
Fabian's whole staff was so surprised but also glad to see this side of their boss who was usually brooding.
Even though it's been only a day that they spent together after years and even though they have lot going on, lots of problems to solve and many things.
But that can wait.
For now they were just content with the happiness that they got from being with each other again after so long.
They were sitting on the swing in the backyard looking at the moon.
Her head was on his shoulder and his arm wrapped her on one side.
" I love you, Fab. "
Suddenly Fabian turned his head towards Stella at such a speed that felt like someone just twisted his neck with some supernatural force.
"What huh? Wait a minute. Don't tell me you  have a girlfriend and you are going to start with all the ' You are just my best friend' crap? I swear Oreo if you pull a stunt like that  I am going to beat a sh...."
And before she could complete her sentence, he shut her up with a kiss.
No it wasn't something smooth,slow going first kiss that people have on their first date.
It was fast and bold.
It had all the yearning and longing they had for each other all these years.
Fabian's one hand was holding her face while other was on her waist holding her tightly.
While Stella's hands were in his hair gripping strongly, when she felt his groan and after what felt like ages both broke down.
Well they wouldn't have if it wasn't the human's basic need of breathing.
"That was amazing"
"And here I thought I had to take initiative because you would go all shy on me"
" Well I had to match your level, didn't I?"
Then both of them were on the ground and started laughing like two crazy best friends on their silly joke as if they didn't go all intense the moment ago.
Stella looked at him and said," Yup. It's proven now that we are definitely crazy people."
" Well that we are."
Both of them were walking towards the sea and after a while,they sat down on the beach
Fabian turned towards her and said,
" Do you know Chubs? You were the person I had in mind while building this house.
Like having our own room with a glass window which has a beautiful view of sea outside just like you wanted.
A room which we can later on turn into a nursery for our kid.
A little fence outside the house and backyard with a garden.
At nights where we could just cuddle up watching rain outside in monsoon and sunny  mornings plus sunsets we can spend on beach.
A kitchen where we can cook together and then after dinner just dance on some old classic tune on radio. All of these I had framed in a picture with you in it."
All this while when Fabian was laying down his dream picture,she was looking at him with a smile and tears in her eyes.
"Let's get married"
"Seriously love, you should stop with these sudden attacks. First confession and now proposal. Let me do something"
"Oh there is something you can do. You can just shut me up like before by kissing me so hard and throwing..."
"You are one hell of a woman,you know that, right?"
And then he kissed her on her forehead.
"You didn't answer"
"We just met today Stella. I am not denying or anything like that but don't you want to know the whole truth before marriage and all?"
"Truth to be told I wanted to know everything about you before I met you infact I still do but if you remember I was on the verge of dying few days ago,so for now I still want my answers but I also I want to enjoy every moment with you because anything can happen with the profession I am in. I don't want to regret anything."
" Why are you talking like this?Are you okay?"
"I am just scared Fab. Both of us have lost way too many things, I just don't want to be apart from you anymore."
Fabian just took her in his arms and went back to their home.
Yupp it was not his home anymore, it was theirs.
Next day when Stella woke up,he wasn't beside her.
She got scared and searched the whole house. He was nowhere to be seen. Then she  went to backyard and got emotional seeing the all decorations with Dandelions.
" Good morning Sunshine" He came and hugged her from behind." I thought our story started in field of Dandelions so our new chapter should also start from it. What do you think?"
"I think it's perfect"she turned towards him and looked at him while holding onto him
"How did I get so lucky? You are calling me sunshine but everytime life had put me on the dark path you came like a ray of hope in my life. Thank you Fab. For everything. I love you "
"I love you too.
I would love to chat with you whole day baby but for now you have to go get ready. Your dress is in our room and guests will be arriving soon"
" Guests?"
" You traitor. You didn't think you would get married without your maid of honour aka your best friend,did you?" A voice came from behind.
" Suzie..."

That's it for now
I know I know.
I was supposed to reveal the backstory here but well I wanted one chapter dedicated to our Oreo and chubs.
Next part will be the wedding and little bit light on past.
So stay tuned. Thank you🤍🌻
P.S: I suck at intimate scene writing. So you can use your intelligent brain for that and imagine 😌

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