I set the note on the desk, looking back at Dorota. "How would you feel about going back to London for the season?"

"I think that would be marvelous."

I quickly stood up from my desk when one paralyzing thought popped into my head. My mother would have to agree. And just like that all the excitement inside of me vanished as fast as it came. How could I possibly get her to agree when the last two times I had went to London I hadn't gotten a husband? She had been so furious last season since Daphne was now the Duchess of Hastings and I was still alone. It was the longest lecture of my life and I didn't think that was even possible at that point. "She'll never let me." I whispered soaked in my disappointment.

Dorota stepped forwards, putting her hands in mine. "Not unless she is given good reason."

That's when it hit me. I knew what I needed to say. My mom is a smart woman and a scary woman. Yet, there is one demand of hers that she always keeps known. She wants me married.

I made it downstairs, rushing down the stairs almost knocking Sue, who was dusting the paintings on the wall by the stairs, down the stairs. I was so worked up that I hadn't thought to stop myself from running into my mother's personal drawing room towards the back of the house. It was decorated with light blues and grays. It was supposed to be more of a family drawing room, but she liked the peace of her own room. "Charlotte Katerina Cavenaugh, how many times have I told you that running through the house makes you look incredible illbred." My mother's voice made my entire body tense. I should have been paying more attention. My mother was sitting on her light blue sofa, reading through the paper. I'm not sure if she saw me running or only heard me running, but either way she wasn't pleased.

Beatrice Cavenaugh was the only child raised by a mother, from what I heard, was harsher than her. She had long black hair that she always kept up. I had never seen her with it down one time. I never saw her any different than how the rest of the world saw her. Maybe my dad saw softer parts of her, but I doubt it. Her dresses were always black and I can't remember the last time I seen a genuine smile.

I took a deep breath in, walking over to the gray chair across from her position on the couch. "Mother, I would like to have a chat with you." I said, getting her to sigh and drop the paper onto her lap.

"Is this going to give me a headache? Charlotte, I have a lot of work I must attend to."

I hadn't even asked and, yet, she had made me feel so small. I had to do this right. I had to come up with a way for her to see I was right. To make her see this would benefit us both. I opened my mouth prepared to say something eloquent. "I would like to go to London for another season." And just like that, I failed. There was nothing eloquent to what I had to say. My words came out so fast I could barely keep up with them.

"Because it was so helpful the first two times." She picked up the paper, flattening it in front of her before raising a brow towards me. "How is the new Duchess?"

I bite the inside of my lip knowing that if she saw me it would irritate her more. "I know the last seasons were unsuccessful. That is why I thought of a plan— a deal of sorts."

I noticed this caught her attention and she nodded for me to continue.

"I will go to London for one last season. If I do not find a suitable husband, I will leave it to you without a fight. I will marry who you choose."

A small smirk spread across her lips. This was a genuine smirk. This was the smirk she tended to have when she was about to test me. "No throwing away suitor's card before I see them?"

I hadn't realized she knew I was doing that. I shook my head.

"No telling the men your father doesn't approve."

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