Chapter 4: The Duel

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Michael worked his way up the ranks of the underworld, building alliances and collecting information. He knew that the only way to get to his enemy was through his father, a powerful man who held the key to everything Michael wanted.

The High Council arranged a duel between Michael and the enemy's father, with the winner taking control of the rival gang. Michael knew it was a trap, but he had no choice. He walked into the arena, gun in hand, ready to face his destiny.

The duel was intense, with both men firing their guns and dodging bullets. Michael was a skilled marksman, but he was also older and slower than his opponent. He knew he had to be careful, to wait for the right moment to strike.

And then it came. The enemy's father made a fatal mistake, leaving himself open for just a second. Michael took the shot, hitting him square in the chest.

But it wasn't over yet. As Michael turned to leave, he heard the sound of a gun cocking behind him. He whirled around, his own gun at the ready, to face his enemy

Assassin's Fury: Michael's Quest for Vindication X John WickWhere stories live. Discover now