Chapter 3: The Betrayal

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Michael's mission was going well, and he had gained the trust of the High Table's leader. He had uncovered some of their illegal activities, but then something unexpected happened. Michael's colleague, a fellow secret agent, had been captured by the High Table.

Michael knew that he had to act fast, and he came up with a plan to rescue his colleague. He teamed up with Hisston and some of his underworld contacts, and they launched an attack on the High Table's headquarters. The mission was successful, and they were able to rescue Michael's colleague.

However, Michael soon realized that his trust in the High Table had been misplaced. They had known about his true identity all along, and they had used him to get what they wanted. Michael felt betrayed, and he knew that he had to take revenge

Assassin's Fury: Michael's Quest for Vindication X John WickWhere stories live. Discover now