Chapter Twenty-eight

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The sound of fireworks filled the air, people walking through Jubilive Village, smiles on their faces. "Are they coming?"Cyllene asks walking over to Kamado. "Adaman says he's allowing Alya to choose who gets to come to this year's festival, they're gonna come"Kamado replied. "Sorry we're late!" Alya walked over, seven diamond clan members looking around behind her, Adaman walking beside her. "Cyllene!"Alya beamed hugging her friend. "Hey Alya"Cyllene greets returning the gesture. "Alya!" Runi and Kero beamed at her, running over excitedly. "Hey you two! You both have grown!"Alya beamed. "Yeah, we wanna become strong so nobody worries about us!"Kero grins looking proud of himself. "Someone will always worry"Alya corrects.

Julie and Akari ran over, pulling Alya to come dance with them. "How has she been"Kamado asks looking at Adaman. "She's been just fine, it's been a week since the small drama with Fea, Alya has been doing much better than before"Adaman grinned. "Speaking of Fea"Cyllene mutters. Fea walked into the village, eight of her people behind her, looking around with hostility. Adaman narrowed his eyes, Fea glancing at him. Fea flicked her wrist, her people sticking together as they walked away to explore. Alya laughed, smiling with the kids, Fea looking at her curiously. Fea sighed and made her way over, feeling Adamans eyes on her. "Lady Alya"Fea greets. Alya looked at Fea startled, then accidentally stepped on the other woman's foot. "OUCH!!"Fea gasps.

Four of the Eclipse clan residence lunged at Alya, but Fea quickly stopped them in their tracks. "Hey, it was an accident, if you all don't calm down NOW, it'll be a problem!"Fea scolded. Alya gave Fea a suspicious look, frowning at her. "Sorry about my people, they're naturally all very hostile, it's not the best but it's how we survived this whole time"Fea apologized. "It's fine"Alya frowned still suspicious. "I'll leave you be"Fea says. Fea walked away, going to join the festivities. Adsman hurried over to Alya, and circled hee. "You're alright"Adaman mutters. "Yeah, I'm fine"Alya grinned amused. Adaman looked around then grabbed her hand, pulling her away. "Follow me, I wanna show you something"Adaman says glancing back at her.

She nodded, following him, looking curious about where they were going. Adaman hurried down the path, a large shadowy building coming into view. "Woah"Alya gasped her eyes sparkling in amazement. "Come over here"Adaman beckoned. She walked over and stared in surprise, finding a rock that had glowing moss with flowers on it. "That's so pretty!"Alya beamed. She gently touched the moss, giggling a little at how squishy it felt. "Thanks for bringing me here"Alya smiled. "I'll bring our kids here in the future so they can see this place as well, I think they'll enjoy it as much as you did"Adaman smiled. "I can see their little smiles already, the sounds of their giggles filing the night air"Alya sighed a happy smile on her face at the thought.

Adaman placed a hand on her cheek, his expression softening. "Alya, if you don't make it, I'll do my best to take care of our litle ones"Adaman promised. Alya smiled in relief, and leaned against him, her head resting on his shoulder. "Thank you"Alya says. He wrapped his arms around her, sitting by the glowing moss. "I thought up three names"Adaman says. "What are they?"Alya questions her head resting on his chest. "Alyssa, Asante and Athena"Adaman replied looking down at her. "Oh, I love those names!"Alya beamed. "I thought you might"Adaman grinned resting his head on top of hers. Footsteps startled the two, Fea walking into view. "Adaman can I talk with you?"Fea asks curiously. Adaman got up and walked over to her, narrowing his eyes.

"A small group of Luxray have been harassing my people, several came back injured and they even took the life of a defenseless child"Fea explains. "Fine, I'll help you"Adaman sighed. "I'll come, along with Mai and Melli"Adaman says turning away. "Also, why choose Alya out of everyone"Fea asks. Adaman turned and grabbed Fea's hand, placing it where his heart was. "You feel that..that's why I'm with her, I love her and my heart speeds up whenever I'm with her, she's the only person who makes me feel that way"Adaman replies. He released Fea's hand and walked away, heading back to Alya. "I'll be there at sunrise tomorrow, dont be late!"Adaman says. Alya looked at Fea, then followed Adaman, catching up to walk beside him.

"You alright"Alya asks. Adaman stopped and looked up as it rained, blinking twice. "Oh, the festival!"Alya gasps having been looking forward to it. Adaman flicked some water in her face, looking amused then hurried away. She laughed and followed him, chasing after the laughing clan leader. She grinned, looking around. "Adaman!"Alya calls. Flower Petals started to fall, surprising her as she looked up. Adaman smiled down at her, tapping the branch, causing flower Petals to flutter down. "Okay, mister romantic"Alya mocked. Adaman leaped down, landing beside her. "I know, I'm oh so romantic"Adaman chuckled pulling a a branch with leaves down, shielding them both from the rain. "Wanna make a run for it, I see a cave"Alya asks.

She took off before Adaman could reply, a grin on her face. Adaman chased after her, but stopped noticing glowing eyes watching them. He stared, a Luxray stepping out with three Shinx's at its paws. The two stared at each other, Adaman perking up in shock, noticing it was the same Luxray he and Alya met before. "Where's the female"Adaman asks stepping closer. The Luxray stepped forward, letting him pet it. "Adaman! You're gonna get soaked!" The Luxray turned and vanished into the bushes with the shinx's, Adaman watching them go. He turned and hurried over to the cave before shaking himself down, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank the great Sinnoh that this was here"Alya says wringing her hair out. She perked up, Adaman managing to start a fire.

She sat beside him, hovering her hands by the fire. "What do you think our kids will look like?"Adaman asks. "I hope one has your hair"Alya honestly says. "Oh, I didn't realize this cave was taken." Adaman scowled at the second disruption of the day, looking at the white haired woman. "You're Alya"the woman smiled. Adaman held an arm out in front of Alya, glaring at the stranger. "I mean you no harm, I'm actually a family member!"The woman says quickly. "Family"Alya mutters startled. "My name is Ophelia, I'm your elder sister Alya!" Adaman frowned at Ophelia, looking distrustful. "Can you prove your claim"Alya demanded. "I can"Ophelia nodded. Alya got to her feet and frowned. "Tomorrow you prove it then"Alya scowled.

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