Chapter Thirty-one: Timeskip

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The sound of birds chirping filled the air, Alya laying asleep. "Wal!" She opened her eyes, finding a Walrein beaming down at her. She smiled, petting the pokemon. It had been a while since everything that happened, Ember fixed the trust between the clans and the Galaxy Team, proving that he was quite the leader, Fea was punished and forced to stay chained in the cave they placed her in. Adaman had also gotten more distant with everyone but her and Eddie, even working more on the clan and barely going to meetings, which burdens Ember a bit since the young leader would come and inform Adaman of the discussions. And as for her, she's been more tired, barely leaving the tent and always sleeping to regain energy that was lost just by her turning over.

"Hey Walrein, don't worry, I'm doing better"Alya smiled a tired look on her face. She sighed and laid back down, feeling tired again. "I've never felt this weak before"Alya mutters. "Alya.." Adaman walked in and walked over to her, staring down at her. He sat beside her and pressed a kiss to her cheek, before sighing. "I'm sorry, I should've told you, that after the fall your body became more fragile"Adaman mutters. Alya stared at him, her eyes wide, then smiled slightly. "I actually understand why you didn't tell me, I would've continued this even if I did know, and I sorta pieced it together already"Alya smiled. He helped her sit up and rested his head on her shoulder. "How is everyone"Alya asks. Adamsn went silent, looking hesitant.

She smiled at him, knowing why he became distant. Her due date was coming up and that day would determine whether she lived or died, and Adaman didn't want anyone's pity on that day if the ending came out bad. "You should talk with everyone, no matter how distant you get, they're gonna wanna help you"Alya smiled. "MS ALYA!" Julie beamed, coming into the tent, Adaman smiling slightly at the sight if her. "Hey Julie"Alya smiled looking amused as Julie hugged her. "We want hugs too!"Rei says hurrying over with Akari. "Hugs for everyone"Alya beamed hugging thr two. She sighed, feeling tired again, wanting to lay down. "You're not going back to sleep"Adaman says easily hauling her to her feet. "You're gonna go for a walk"Adaman says.

"But"Adaman stared. "I can walk with her! I wanna talk with her anyway!" Ember grinned, laughing as Julie, Rei and Akari ran over to him. He bumped noses with the three of them, using the traditional Eclipse clan greeting. "Morning everyone"Ember greets politely. "I'll take Alya for her walk, you can tag along"Adaman snorted narrowing his eyes. "Very well!"Ember laughed raising his hands playfully showing that he was harmless. "You're still unbearable"Adaman grinned helping Alya out. "Finally, you're getting some sunshine!"Arezu grinned looking relieved. Mai nodded, her expression softening. "Someone's tummy has gotten big~"Arezu smiled walking over. "I'm glad I came to visit"Iscan says giving Alya a small smile.

Delcatty bounded over with Drakeon, a little Eevee and Skitty following them. Kirlia walked beside Riolu, Honckrow behind them with teo Murkrows on jus head. "I love spring"Alya beamex giggling happily. Dragonite landed not far, the Dratini he took care of now a Dragonite a bit smaller than him. "Tini!"Julie beamed waving to the smaller Dragonite. Dragonite and Tini beamed and waved. "Come on, Alya"Adaman smiled. He walked beside Alya, Ember bounding after them. Delcatty and Leafeon bounded after them, the rest of the pokemon staying behind. "What did you wanna talk about Ember"Alya asks Adaman holding her hands, keeping her steady. "I wanted to ask how you've been, since..everything"Ember says.

Alya smiled and poked his cheek. "Don't blame yourself, Fea manipulates and scares anyone she comes into contact with, she wasn't a good leader, but you're fixing the damage she's caused and making things right"Alya smiled. Adaman nodded in agreement, Ember looking embarrassed. "You did what was right, and you freed yourself from Fea's control"Alya smiled. "Yeah, and she won't harm anyone as long as I'm leader"Ember smiled. "Ember!" Ember looked up, two guards walking over. "The elders request your presence, they say it's urgent!" Ember nodded goodbye to Adaman and Alya, hurrying away with the two guards. "He's a good leader"Alya grinned. "He is"Adaman agreed. He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.

"You've become more affectionate"Alya smiled. Adaman chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Gotta shower you with love you know"Adaman says. "ADAMAN!!" Melli came into view, Adaman looking alert. "RAPIDASH STAMPEDE! THEY'RE HEADING TOWARDS THE ECLIPSE CLAN!!"Melli yells. "Crap, Leafeon, Delcatty, take Alya home"Adaman says hurrying away. "Be careful!"Alya calls Delcatty wrapping her tail around her partners arm. Alya sighed, her legs starting to hurt, feeling tired. "Glad I followed you guys!" Mai walked over, letting Alya lean against her. "Thank the great sinnoh"Alya chuckled walking beside her. "Melli said there was a Rapidash Stampede?"Mai asks. "Yeah, and it seems bad"Alya replied looking fearful.

Adaman hauled a elder up to safely, the Stampede rumbling below them. Ember ran up beside him, a scar across his nose from being kicked. "Hey, you alright"Ember asks looking at him. Adaman nodded, then heard running feet. "I'm here, tell me the damage! Who's hurt"Eddie calls. Eddie stared with wide eyes, finding several clan members with broken bones, bruises and scars. "Man, whoever caused this stampede is ruthless"Eddie says tending to the elderly and young first. "WAIT! FEA!"Ember gasped. Ember took off, Adaman following behind him. He practically hurtled into the cave, rushing up the path. Fea looked at him, the chain still around her neck, shackles on her ankles and wrists. "What do you want"Fea demands annoyed.

"You didn't escape...?"Ember says stunned. "Then who caused the stampede"Adaman demands. "Maybe that Nick fellow who was here earlier"Fea informs getting to her feet. "Nick was here?!"Adaman demands. "And why would I give you anymore information"Fea smirked. "I'm ordering you to!"Ember commands. "Ha! Nice try"Fea grinned. "Fine, you can starve for the week"Ember says turning away. "WAIT!"Fea yells. "Give him the information"Ember commands coldly, Adaman grinning at the young clan leader. "Nick came here earlier, he said he's been watching us all, finding out our weaknesses and strengths"Fea says. "He promised to free me when he was done getting rid of Alya"Fea sighed. "Did Nick start the stampede"Ember asks.

"No, he said he had a different plan"Fea replied. "What was it"Adaman demanded stepping closer. "What's going on here?" The two turned, finding a male with black hair and brown skin standing there, blue eyes scanning the two. "Akiara"Ember greets. "Adaman, he's new to my clan, he has a wife who almost died giving birth, they lost their son during it, I was hoping to introduce Alya to her...before that day arrived"Ember informs. Adaman went silent, narrowing his eyes, feeling some kind of warmth at that suggestion. "You guys talking about Nick?"Akiara asks looking cautious. "Yeah, why"Ember demands more alert now. "I saw him following two people with a Leafeon and a little purple and yellow cat thing"Akiara informs.

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