Chapter Twenty

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Alya opened her eyes and yawned. She sat up, noticing the red marks on her, making her frown. Adaman laid beside her, a peaceful look on his face. "Jerk"Alya muttered. She leaned closer, gently bumping her forehead against his, her eyes widening at how hot he felt. She smacked his arm, Adaman yelping as he jolted out of his sleep. "OUCH!"Adaman gasped rubbing his arm. "How do you catch a fever?!"Alya gasped cupping his cheeks alarmed. "Why would you hit me over a fever?!"Adaman demanded. She kissed his nose, making him blush. Adaman smirked, making her blink twice. "PERVERT!"Alya yelled slapping him outside his head.

"That's not what you were yelling before!"Adaman laughed grinning at her as he rubbed his head. She blushed, staring at his chest her eyes wide. "Remember how you were running your fingers up and down my chest"Adaman teased leaning closer, placing an arm around her waist. "I wouldn't kind going for another round right now"Adaman muttered. "THIS IS A HOLY SINNOH LAND! GET YOUR CLOTHES ON!"Arezu yelled outside. Adaman groaned, burying his face in Alya's chest, making her jump in alarm. "Squishy"Adaman smirked. "PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON YOU PERV!"Alya shrieked. He grumbled and got up with an annoyed look, getting dressed for the day.

"Have a good day"Alya says looking away. "You're not coming with me to the meeting?"Adaman asked. "No...I wanna see if Drakeon can help me with a few things"Alya responded. Drakeon came in and looked up at Adaman before whacking him with his tail. "OUCH! WHY IS EVERYONE BEING MEAN TODAY!"Adaman yelled rubbing his back. "Serves you right!"Alya grinned. He glared at her, before pouting and leaving their tent. "How did she feel?"Arezu asked. Adaman looked sharply at her, his eyes wide in alarm. "Everyone could hear you two"Mai informs walking over. "You all are forbidden from talking about that"Adaman says shaking his head as he walked away.

Alya got dressed, fixing her hair silently. Drakeon rubbed his cheek against her leg, looking concerned. "Ready?"Alya asked sitting down. He nodded to her and closed his eyes. She sighed and closed her eyes as well, hearing the sound of laughter follow. Alya opened her eyes, finding a little baby walking towards her, causing her eyes to widen in surprise. "You got it Alyssa!"Adaman smiled. Alyssa giggled, beaming at Adaman, holding her hands out towards Alya. Alya picked her up, a wide smile now on her face, her expression softening. "Hello Alyssa"Alya smiled. Everything faded away, leaving her in a dark room, Enamourus appearing in front of her.

"That was one of the three futures you have Alya, but even that one has a bad ending"Enamourus informs somberly. "Bad ending"Alya says stunned. She felt a sudden pain in her stomach, falling to her knees as she raised her hands, finding blood coating them. She looked to her right, tears falling down her cheeks at the sight of Adaman laying lifeless not far from her. She looked up, Nick smiling down at her, a much older Alyssa standing there gripping a tusk dagger. "I told you Alya, never turn your back to me"Nick grinned. "Alyssa"Alya says reaching for the girl. Alyssa turned and walked after Nick, putting a mask on. "Alyssa..."Alya repeated falling forward.

Alya screamed, opening her eyes, Drakeon looking up at her alarmed. He leaped into her lap and curled up, grounding her instantly, calming the woman down. She silently started to pet him, then hugged him tight silently. "Drak..."Drakeon blinked concerned as he leaped out of her lap, turning to her. "I'm fine...come on, lets head to that bog..."Alya smiled standing up. Drakeon nodded and padded beside her, leaving the tent. "You alright, I heard you scream." She jumped and turned, finding Melli standing there. He stepped closer, staring down at her then reached up, brushing some hair behind her ear. "Follow me, I wanna show you something"Melli insists taking her hand.

Adaman frowned at Irida, looking a little annoyed. "You're so lucky I'm still tired, otherwise I'd have silenced you"Adaman grumbled. "What had you up for so long, and why are you here if you have a fever"Irida demanded. "I overworked myself"Adaman responded turning away. "You didn't even do anything"Irida snorted. "How do you know, I overworked myself quite a bit with Alya back home"Adaman smirked. Irida stopped then looked at him, her eyes wide. "You're gross"Irida frowned shaking her head disgusted. Something slapped Adaman outside his head, alarming him. "Why is everyone hitting me?!"Adaman demanded as he turned around.

Enamourus glared at him, her arms crossed over her chest. "Why're you mad?!"Adaman demanded. "Why are you raising your voice at a lady pokemon?"Irida demanded. "And I'm not surprised you forgot that Alya and Enamourus are connected"Irida reminded sighing. "Oh, I forgot"Adaman grinned. Enamourus huffed, looking disgusted and angry. "Sorry about that, hope you weren't uncomfortable"Adaman says holding back his amusement. "He doesn't mean what he says"Irida retorts. "I do! Honest!"Adaman chuckled. "I'm not here for one meeting and you're being cheeky with everyone." Alya walked over and glared at him, Enamourus floating over to her.

"Thanks for the help"Alya says turning to Enamourus. Enamourus nodded, smiling at her, then throwing Adaman an angry glare. "Hey! I said I'm sorry!"Adaman protested. Alya chucked and shook her head. "Forgive him for his idiocy"Alya smiled. Enamourus sighed and nodded. "Did everything go well"Kamado asks turning to her. "Of course and sorry you have to witness these to bicker away, I feel like a mother with two childish kids"Alya nodded. Kamado laughed and smiled at her. "It's alright!"Kamado smiled. "Adaman, can I talk with you...alone"Alya demanded. Adaman glanced at Irida then at Kamado before nodding. "Uh oh"Irida signed as the two walked away.

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