Chapter Four

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Palina stared at Alya concerned, then stepped forward, and sat beside her. "Did you really slap him?"Palina asked. "That's the first thing you ask?"Alya asked looking at her best friend in amusement. "I mean, you and Adaman argue but you always manage to make up before it got physical, but he must've really pushed your buttons this time..."Palina responded. "I don't feel like repeating that conversation"Alya sighed petting the Spheal she befriended. Delcatty bounded after Julie, searching for other Pokemon with her. "Hm...well, I think you need to go back and make up with him, you know he cares deeply for you Alya"Palina smiled placing a hand on the woman's shoulder. "I feel like that's the thing, he cares too much...maybe I should leave the Clan so he can focus on them"Alya sighed.

"Now...Alya, I'm sorry but that's a stupid idea...Adaman would go into search mode, I think the best thing to do is talk out your feelings with him....go somewhere secluded, a place where if it gets to the almost physical point one of you can just turn away and calm down so you can continue your conversation"Palina says. "You think that's a good idea?"Alya asked. "Yep! So don't worry about it, I think Arezu knows a good spot"Palina smiled. "I SURE DO!" Arezu ran over to them both and chuckled. "You got Adaman good Alya, I'm sorry but hearing that you smacked him has everyone shocked a few people also giggled about it a little, they weren't spared from Mai's wrath either"Arezu says shaking her head. "Of course the news would spread...I refuse to go back now"Alya groaned burying her face in her arms.

"Girl, don't say that, Adaman would come here searching for you, if you didn't return"Arezu sighed. "I agree, he is that kind of guy, to do that..."Palina smiled. "...Alya you wanna go for a swim?"Arezu asked. "I don't have a Pokemon to ride on, Spheal is too small to carry me"Alya frowned. "You can ride on my Garados!"Julie smiled knowing what Arezu was trying to do. "I can't swim"Alya says. "She's afraid of water!"Arezu corrects. "Besides, I think theirs a storm on its way today, I don't think swimming will be a good idea"Palina adds on looking towards the sea. "Another reason not to go out into the water..."Alya sighed shaking her head. "I heard theirs Feebas out there, with luck you'll find a Milotic"Arezu grinned. "Feebas!"Alya gasped.

Lightning struck the ground, startling them. "Oh this is a Tsunami!"Palina gasped her eyes wide. "Come on! We gotta find Iscan and get to high ground, he's definitely moved his tent!"Palina called over the storm. Honchkrow lowered his upper half, letting Palina, Alya, Spheal and Delcatty climb on, Arezu taking Braviary with Julie to safety. Both bird Pokemon lifted into the air, flying away. Alya's eyes widened and she looked back, spotting an Eevee struggling to climb to safety, water starting to wash it away. "ALYA!"Arezu gasped looking back when Alya leaped off Honchkrow. A splash echoed, Palina looking alarmed as Honchkrow and Braviary landed safely, Iscan nodding to them. Alya surfaced, coughing as she held Eevee in her arms.

"Guys!"Adaman called running over. He looked at them all, a confused look on his face. "Where's Alya?"Adaman asked. "In the Tsunami..."Palina responded. Adamans eyes widened, hurrying closer spotting Alya's brown hair. He leaped off, startling the others. "ARE YOU NUTS?!"Arezu demanded. "Guessing your plan isn't exactly going as...planned?"Julie asked turning to Arezu, her Growlithe barking in agreement beside her. "Arezu?!" Arezu chuckled, rubbing the back of her head, Palina and Mai frowning at her. "Do you know how dangerous tsunamis are?"Iscan sighed shaking his head. "I wasn't expecting a Tsunami storm, I just wanted her to fall into the water that was it! Not have her fall into this!"Arezu retorted. "Well, at least you're being honest with us about what you were planning"Mai sighed.

Alya pushed the Eevee up onto a ledge, trying to keep her head raised. Eevee stared at her, its paw batting at her hand as if trying to help. She coughed, and vanished underneath the surface. A pair of hands grabbed her wrists, pulling her up. Adaman surfaced, his arm around her waist. "Adaman.."Alya mumbled. He whistled, Braviary flying over, Honchkrow following. He grabbed the pole the two held, the bird Pokemon lifting them out of the water, Eevee bounding up the ledges. "Oh thank the Great sinnoh!"Palina smiled hurrying over. Adaman laid Alya down, staring at her, Eevee bounding over, batting at her nose. Alya coughed, and lifted her head up, her hair soaked. "You alright?"Adaman asked concerned. "Just spiffy"Alya sighed. She flipped her hair back and sighed. "Mind if we talk something out"Adaman asked holding his hand out to her.

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