Start from the beginning

Reaching for the cover I lifted it off to see a faint name engraved on the side, and tilting my head I was able to make out the word 'EVA' written upside down. Glancing back I saw him rapidly wiping away the tears on his cheeks but I ignored it not wanting to embarrass him. 

"I'm sure she loved it."

"Yeah she did."

"You should go back inside. I'm going to scout the area to make sure we're the only ones out here. 

Go up the stairs second door on the right and take this," he said pulling out a gun and handing it over. Flinching at the sight of one I began to shake my head when he pressed it into my hand. "Take it, you remove the safety, point and pull back the trigger if anyone but me comes through the door."

Hands shaking, gun still lying across my palm unclasped, I shook my head. "I can't. I don't do guns."

"Ri, just please keep it with you. You probably won't ever have to use it but I'd feel a lot safer if I knew you had it on you. It's small you can fit it in a pocket."

"You should keep it-"

"I have another one so please just keep it with you. I won't be long and there is food in the bag so take it up with you in case you get hungry."

I tried to protest once more but he kissed me on the forehead before running off the pier and out of sight surprisingly fast for someone who was still injured. Touching my forehead I stared at where I last saw him to the gun still in my hands to the boat and back again. Getting up I gingerly put the small gun into my pocket not wanting to hold it anymore and nervous at being so out in the open I reluctantly did what he said and headed inside. Closing the door behind with one last glance at the lake, I picked out some food before heading up the creaking stairs. There was little light up here despite the sun still being high in the sky and hearing a scuttling noise I hurried into the first room I found. 

Closing the door behind me, I looked into the room to discover the light flooded the place but what I discovered I wish I hadn't. The wallpaper was peeling and faded but the fantasy princess scene was still apparent which I thought was ironic when I saw what was right beneath it attached to the bed: rusty and blood stained chains with cuffs at the end. Moving away from the chains having seen way too many already, I backed against a set of drawers and out of the corner of my eye I noticed I had knocked something off at the same time. Looking down at the floor I saw several objects and stuffed toys, one more worn than the others. The no longer fluffy bunny with floppy ears (one sewed haphazardly back on) in particular stood out in the dusty group and reminded me of my own bear who I could tell all my secrets to at times when no-one else would listen. Picking it up, I hugged it towards my chest as I looked back over at the chains thinking of what she went through but also reminding me of when they liked to have their girls restrained not drugged. 

Hearing noise downstairs I acted on instinct and hid under the bed. I gasped though as soon as I crawled into place tucking in my feet as I saw multiple finger nail marks on the floor. Knowing just how they got there I started shaking pulling my feet in closer. Hearing the steps creaking I clasped my hand over my mouth to help muffle my whimpers. A door close by was opened and footsteps entered the room. By the sounds of it the person was searching the room and I prayed that they weren't searching for me and come in here to do so. I bit down on my lip when the footsteps moved closer and the door to this room was opened. After a slight hesitation the man entered the room and I begged silently for him to just go away but I knew I wouldn't be so lucky. Tears silently running down my cheeks, with one hand still clutching the bunny, I reached the gun with my other pocket and slowly pulled back the safety praying that it didn't click. Having successfully done this I pointed the gun, hands shaking, towards the edge of the bed as feet stopped at the base of the bed. Gearing myself up I prepared to fire if he discovered me, though whether I could actually do it I didn't know. I never had to find out though as a softly whispered "Ri" had me gasping aloud at the familiar voice as I dropped the gun on the floor.

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