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Alex and Marcus are knocking on the door while asking me to let them in, but I'm too embarrassed to do so.
All I can do is sit here on the bathroom floor and cry over the fact that I just wet myself again, and this time in a diaper.

It all just happened so fast. I was sitting on the couch, talking to Alex and Marcus when suddenly I felt a sudden urge to pee. So I hurried over to the bathroom and while struggling to take my diaper off, it all just came out.

I can hear them tinkering with the lock and suddenly the door opens up. Alex is standing there with a screwdriver in his hand and Marcus is standing beside him, both looking worried.
I immediately hide my face in my hands and turn away from them in embarrassment.

Then I can hear someone approach and sit down beside me.
"What happened?" It's Marcus.
He starts to stroke my back gently.
"Was it something we did?" He asks and I just shake my head no.
"Do you want to stop this and go home?"

"No..." I say quietly, still hiding my face in my hands while shaking my head once again.
This time, Alex is talking. His voice is softer than usual.
"So, do you want to tell us why you're crying?"


I believe that I have already figured out why Elliot is crying, but I'm not gonna say anything about it. Instead, I'm gonna wait for him to tell us by himself. It's probably more comfortable and less embarrassing for him that way.
At least, that's what I think.

Hopefully, that will make Marcus happy with me for once. Because he often gets mad whenever I say or do something inappropriate towards Elliot. So, I'm trying to be more careful with my actions this time. Anything to get Marcus off my case.

But right now, it doesn't seem like Elliot will be able to tell us about what happened for a while.
So, instead of just standing here, I walk over to the livingroom and fetch Mr Snuggles Jr.

My plan is to bring Mr Snuggles Jr to Elliot, to calm him down. I don't know if it will help but I have a feeling it will work because Elliot likes his teddy bear a lot. At least it's worth a try.

I walk up to Elliot and crouch down right infront of him.
"Hey buddy, can you look at me for a second?" I ask calmly in an attempt to get his attention, but with no luck.
I glance over at Marcus who just gives me a questioning look without saying anything. He is probably wondering what the hell I'm doing.
Or he is judging me again. But I'm not doing anything wrong right now, I'm actually trying to help. So, he can keep his judgment to himself.

I turn my attention back to Elliot and give it another go.
"Hey buddy, look at who I have here." I say excitedly and hold out Mr Snuggles Jr towards Elliot.
"You forgot Mr Snuggles Jr in the living room, so I brought him here. I thought maybe you would want to have your friend with you. Especially now when you're sad. What do you say, hm?"

At first nothing happens and I'm about to give up, but suddenly Elliot slowly takes his hands away from his face and looks up at Mr Snuggles Jr with teary eyes.
His eyes and cheeks are red from crying so much. Poor thing.

He right away reaches out towards his stuffed friend and snatches it out of my hands and into his arms in a second.


I'm sitting here watching Elliot hugging his teddy bear, and I'm relieved to see him starting to calm down. But what confuses me is that  Alex hasn't said anything about the little accident yet.
I mean, it's very clear that Elliot peed in his diaper and that it is why he's crying.

Alex most have noticed that by now, right?
So, why hasn't he pointed it out yet?
He is usually quick to notice and point out these kinda things. He's very blunt and straightforward in that way.
Well, I'm not complaining. I'm actually happy that he's not doing that, because it would just make the matter worse, and Elliot is probably already embarrassed enough.

Now I'm just wondering what to do from here.
Maybe it's for the best if Alex and I go and discuss it together, try to find a solution. And if he still doesn't know about the accident, I'll have to tell him.

I stand up from where I've been sitting for a while, and Alex does the same.
"Come." We say at the same time and look at eachother with surprise when we do so.

"Um... I need to talk to you." he says

"Yeah... I need to talk to you too."

I tell Elliot to stay here and that it won't take long.
Then I follow Alex into the hall.

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