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The week went by rather quickly. Marcus and Alex even helped me with some of the things I had missed when I wasn't around. Thanks to them I can somehow catch up with school.
Anyways, now it's Friday afternoon and we are at Marcus' place. His parents were going away this weekend too, so we have the whole apartment for ourselves again.

Nina is sitting beside me on the couch while holding Luna in her lap, cuddling her. I can't help but smile at the sight. She seems so happy and peaceful. Maybe this won't be so bad after all?

As I think that, Marcus walks out from his bedroom and into the livingroom where we are sitting. He is holding a plastic bag in his right hand. The same plastic bag from last time, with all of the baby stuff inside. Marcus puts it down on the table infront of us and takes out all of the items in the bag, one by one. Alex does the same with Nina's stuff, putting them on display.

I look at all the items infront of me and start to feel a little uneasy. Why am I doing this to myself again?
Am I really gonna go through with this?
All these thoughts circles in my mind but they quickly get interrupted by Nina laughing because of Alex tickling her. I look at them and instead start to think about what Nina said to me on Monday. And maybe she is right, that it won't be embarrassing because we have eachother.

After another minute, everything is in place. Marcus and Alex are standing infront of us, ready to begin this ageplay thing. Right away, Alex goes through all of the rules again. "Any questions?" he asks afterwards.
"No" Nina answers while I just shake my head.
"Good" he says and then starts to talk about how actions have consequences, that there will be punishment if we break the rules.
That kinda makes me worried. Punishment? What kinda punishment?
Even Marcus raises an eyebrow at his words.

"There are many different punishments. Having to sit in the corner, having a toy taken away, getting spanked ,etcetera...It all depends on how severe the situation is." Alex informs with a serious tone in his voice and my eyes widen.

Getting spanked?! Is he serious? He can't be...  Right?
That would be too embarrassing...
How can he even say that so bluntly with a straight face?


Alex starts to talk about punishment and that make me raise an eyebrow. He didn't mention any of that before and I haven't agreed to this. He is going too far, just like he always does with anything. So I'm gonna do something about it and confront him, just like I always do.

"Is that really necessary?" I ask and he looks at me confused.
"Punishment, is that really necessary?"
"Yes" he answers and crosses his arms "It is necessary. Trust me."
I look at him in disbelief and sigh while trying to come up with something to say, that will change his damn mind. Because this is getting ridiculous.


I knew that Marcus would say something about it and would try to talk me out of it because that's something he does when things don't sit right with him.
I mean... someone has to be the sane one... and it's not gonna be me. So...


"Okay, so let's do it this way then... I do what I think is good for Nina and you do what you think is good for Elliot." I say to Marcus and he nods.
"So, we don't have to give him any punishment if you don't want to. Atleast not in the beginning. If that makes it any better..."
"Yes" he says "that's fine with me"


When the meeting or whatever we should call it, is over, its time to begin. So Alex takes Nina with him to the bathroom, to change her into a diaper and onesie while Marcus and I stay in the livingroom, waiting for them to get back.

After a moment they are back and now it's my turn.
"You can put it on by yourself if you want to." Marcus says and hands me a diaper. I nod and take it with me to the bathroom.

After a few tries I give up. I can't seem to get it on properly by myself. So I swallow my pride and ask Marcus to help me with that. As embarrassing that is , it gets worse because this time my pants doesn't seem to fit over the diaper. So I have to walk around without any pants...

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