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Alex and I are sitting in the livingroom, watching tv while waiting for Elliot to come out from the bathroom.
A few minutes pass and suddenly I hear the sound of the bathroom door being opened once again.
I think Alex also heard it because just like me, he turned his head to look towards that direction.
After a few seconds Elliot appears in the doorway. He looks ashamed as he stands there with wet hair,naked with only a towel around his waist.

"Um...I...took a shower" he says while scratching his neck.
I turn off the tv and walk towards Elliot with Alex right behind me. "How are you now?" I ask calmly.
"I...I'm....I don't know. I guess I'm just shocked." he says and sighs"I don't really know what's going on... or why THAT happened. What's wrong with me?" his voice is shaky and he slowly starts to tear up as he says that.
I put my hands on his shoulders and look him in the eyes "There's nothing wrong with you, okay? You are just really tired and stressed. You could use some rest. That's all."
I bring him into a long and big hug as he starts to sob.

Alex comes closer and starts to rub Elliots back "Shh... it's okay." he says in a low soothing voice. "It can happen to anyone. No need to be embarrassed."
"That's right" I say "We won't laugh at you or judge you. We are your friends and we are here for you, no matter what. We also won't tell anyone about this. That's a promise."

As I say that Elliot starts to relax in my arms and calms down a little bit. His breathing slows down and the sobbing stops. "Thanks..." he says almost in a whisper and I let go of him, take a step back to look at him. At first he looks at me too but suddenly just turns his head down, to look at the floor " I should... get dressed." he says "Can I borrow a pair of pants and some underwear from you? Mine are kinda... unavailable right now..."
I nod " Yes of course, take whatever you like."


As Elliot walks away to get some clothes, Marcus and I make our way to his parents bedroom to take away the old, wet sheets and replace them with new once.
We take the old once and put them in the washing machine. The same goes with Elliots clothes.

When we're done, we go to the livingroom to find Elliot sitting on the couch, waiting for us. Just like I told him to.

"Are you done?" he asks while we walk towards him.
"Yep" I say
"Great" he says and stands up.
He is now wearing his blue hoodie again with grey sweatpants.
"You are fully dressed" I comment "Aren't you gonna sleep more?"
"Nah... I'm going home" he says and puts his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie.
I raise my eyebrows at his words "What?"
"I don't think I'll be able to sleep more... and..." he sighs "this baby thing is probably nothing for me... I'm sorry"
After saying that, he walks away towards the hall.
I'm getting an urge to stop him and try to convince him to stay but it's his life, therefore also his choice. I can't decide that for him. So if this is what he wants then as his friend,I must accept that. Right?


I put my shoes and my jacket on while my two friends stand there, looking at me. Both being surprised and concerned. "Thank you for everything you have done and are doing for me. I'm really grateful for you guys. " I say as I stand up straight again.
"No problem" Marcus says and smiles.
"Shouldn't you stay a little bit longer? I mean, it's just 4am , it's pretty early and it's still dark outside." Alex says
I shake my head in response "It's fine, I'm not afraid of the dark and after what have happened I just want to go home."
Alex nods in agreement "I understand that"
The conversation ends and we just stand there, looking at eachother in silence for a while before I decide to break it. " So... bye, I guess. See ya." I wave at them before walking out of the door and closing it behind me.


Now it's only me and Marcus left. We are standing by the door and have just said goodbye to Elliot, who decided to go home.
"So, what now? Going back to bed again or?..." I ask
"I don't know" Marcus says and shrugs.
At that moment I suddenly hear the sound of a phone ringing. It's coming from the bedroom and both of us decide to go check it out.
While in the room I can see that it is my phone. So I pick it up and answer the call.
"Hello sweetie."
As I wait for an answer back, all I can hear is crying on the other side of the line.
"Shh... it's okay. Shh..."
It takes a moment but the person on the other line eventually calms down.
"Can you please tell daddy what's wrong?"
"I...had...a... nightmare..."
"Aww...I'm so sorry baby. Daddy will be there right away."
I end the call and put the phone in my pocket.
"I'm sorry but I have to go. My girlfriend needs me" I say to Marcus who just gives me a weird look.
"Okay..." is all he is able to say as I put on my shoes and open the door.
"Well, see ya... in school, I guess." I say before walking out the door and closing it behind me. Leaving Marcus by himself.

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