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Sitting here with the teddy bear in my arms feels kinda good. It's calming and it makes me feel safe because it reminds me of my childhood.
Mr.Snuggles used to be my best friend when I was a kid and now it feels like I'm holding him once again. So I just let myself sit back, relax and watch the movie with no care in the world.

After a while, Alex stands up with Nina in his arms and a strong weird smell comes my way, which makes me wrinkle my nose.
"You can keep watching the movie, I'll just have to go and change this little stinker." Alex says and pats Nina's diapered butt while making a face.
Nina squirms and hides her face in Alex's neck out of embarrassment.
"Awe baby, I'm just teasing you. There's no need to worry, daddy's gonna take care of it."

As he walks away the smell also fades and I can breath properly again.
Was that a fart or did she actually do a number two... in her diaper?
I look over at Marcus, who looks like he is just as confused and weirded out as I am.
"What the hell was that?" Marcus asks.
"I have no idea..."


Changing a poopy diaper isn't the best. It's messy and smells really bad. But as a daddy, it's my duty to take care of those things because my baby girl is not able to do that by herself.

Yes, I know that we don't have to take it this far but we decided that if we're gonna do ageplay, we're gonna do it fully. So I have already done this a couple of times and I'm pretty used to it by now.

As I'm wiping Nina clean, she suddenly yawns and starts to rub her eyes.
"Are you tired sweetie?" I ask calmly.
She nods and hums quietly while sucking on her pacifier.
"Okay. I'm just gonna get this done and then I can put you to bed. Is that alright? Hm?"
I smile at her and she nods once again.

Normally I would have told Nina to use her words, but I choose to let her off the hook for now because she's too cute.

"Good." I say and begin to powder her up.

When I'm done changing Nina's diaper, I take her into my arms again and go back to the livingroom.

"Hey." I say as I approach Marcus and Elliot , where they still sit on the couch.
They look up at me and greet me back before returning to the movie.
I sigh and change Nina's position so that I get a firmer grip.
"Well... Nina is tired, so I'm gonna put her down for the night." I inform them.
"Oh...okay" Marcus says with a thoughtful expression. "Do you need any help?" He asks and stands up from the couch,ready to assist.

"No, I'm fine. It's better if you stay here and start to think about when we're also putting this little fella to bed." I say and ruffle Elliot's hair before walking away.

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