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I sit up on the couch and cringe when the diaper crinkles. It's so embarrassing but I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty soft and it feels kinda good against my butt.

"So before we start , we have to go through the rules" Alex says while Marcus walks away to get something.
"Rules?" I ask while Marcus comes back with a paper in his hand.
"We read that it is important to have rules for this kinda thing" Marcus informs "so we found some on the internet and put them together on this paper" he adds and waves the paper in front of him.
I nod and he coughs " So, rule number:
1. You have to talk like a baby, using short and simple words, no grown up talk.

2. No swearing.

3.You can't walk , you have to crawl.

4.You have to wear a diaper

5.You have to tell us if you need anything, no going anywhere by yourself.

6. No lying

7. You have to obey us.

And last but not least the thing you are going to hate the most, rule number:
8. You have to call me Daddy and Alex Dada. "

I cringe hard at the last part "Oh my god..." I say to myself,almost whispering " Really?..." I whine while looking at my two friends in disbelief.

"I'm sorry buddy" Alex says with a empathetic tone "but we don't make the rules" he adds with a caring smile.

Marcus walks away to the kitchen and then comes back "I just put the paper on the fridge so you can read the rules if you ever need to get reminded"

"Okay" I switch my position on the couch "So what's happening now?" I ask. Alex and Marcus just look at eacother and shrug their shoulders "Well... let's see" Marcus says while looking at his phone "it's 6:30 pm , maybe we should get something to eat" he puts his phone back in his pocket while looking at Alex and then at me, waiting for us to answer.
"Yeah, why not?" Alex says
"Yeah, I'm actually getting kinda hungry" I say and they both turn to look at me.

"Okay! Let's go to the kitchen then." Marcus announces and starts to walk towards the kitchen. Alex walks right after him while I go last.
Suddenly Alex stops and turns around to look at me " What?" I ask and he gives me a stern look "Do you remember the rules?" he asks and then I realize what I'm supposed to do. " Oh, right..." I say in a low tone and then slowly I get on my knees. Then I put my hands down on the floor and start to crawl. Right after Alex finally turns around and continues his walk to the kitchen. It's actually harder than it looks like to crawl, especially while wearing a diaper. So I make my way to the kitchen, slowly but surely while the other two are standing there and are waiting for me. Without saying anything, I awkwardly stand up while my two friends stares at me.


So this ageplay thing has slowly begun and I'm ready to do my best and go through with it. I know that this is a lot for Elliot to take but it's for his own good. We don't mean to embarras or humiliate him, we just want him to feel good and be happy again.

When we first found this type of thing on the internet I was very sceptical and thought it was really weird but after reading about it and finding out more about it , I thought it was a great thing. I think that Ageplay can help Elliot with his well being so I'm really happy that he agreed to it.

Alex on the other hand, seems to be very into it. He is very determined and it looks like he knows what he's doing. If I didn't know better I would think that he is really experienced in this...

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