Start from the beginning

Prodding his stomach lightly, "Oh you can, can you? What is this then, my imagination?"

"I told you before it's nothing, it will heal and you didn't answer my question before how do you know him?"

"You don't want to know." I whispered turning my head away from his searching eyes. 

"I think I do. Tell me." He ordered his voice harder than usual.

Enraged I responded in kind, "Oh you do, do you? For over two and a half years I was repeatedly used as a piece of meat to beat or to satisfy man after man who couldn't get it elsewhere. Stuart was one of the many cops on the payroll that got complementary whores as part of their service. But Stuart was the worst and took a shine to me or so he would say. He took extra pleasure in making sure that I remembered him by nearly always leaving me half dead. Are you satisfied or do you want more details about what he would make me do?"

"Ri I...I'm sorry that I...sorry. Can I ask why you didn't report him when you were found?" His voice softened and I was glad that he didn't ask for anything more on the subject. 

Sighing I muttered out "Who would believe me against cops. They were loads of corrupt cops in the companies back pocket ready to assist them with avoiding arrests and bending the law. They all backed each other up and I didn't know all of them or how far up the company had reached." 

"I've had some experience with corrupt cops myself and I can't stand them. I find them even more disgusting then the criminals themselves because at least they don't make a vow to protect people as their role in life. I promise you that I will do my utmost best to put them away for good but first we need to get going and get them cleaned otherwise they might become infected. I'll be as gentle as I can and the less you move the less it will hurt."

Taking a deep breath I nodded and waited as he took the confirmation and began to slip his hands under my back and legs.  

"Ready? Three, two, one!" he counted as he lifted me up into his arms as he stood up on one.

 Biting my lip not wanting to let him know how painful that was I tasted blood though that was nothing new. As he started to walk though his uneven step jolted me in his arms and I couldn't help but let out a groan of pain. 

"Sorry Ri, I'm trying as best as I can, just hold on for me alright? We're nearly there I can see it."

 Turning my head I glimpsed between some trees a small stone building covered in flowers. It had a chimney but there was no smoke and I hoped that meant that no-one was home. Not having enough energy to support my head I let it drop backwards. I watched the tree lined night sky lit up by stars before tilting my head to Sean and watched as a grim expression was fixed on his face. Sweat poured down from his forehead and his hair was mattered and stuck all over the place but the determined look in his eyes made me smile. The next thing I knew I was shaken roughly as Sean kicked something which after the resulting thud I assumed to be a door. After a few moments I heard the unlocking sound before the door was opened. 

"Please we need your help?"

"Oh dear! Of course, of course. Come in, please." An elderly lady said as she quickly waved us inside as she moved aside. "Put her on the sofa here. What happened?" 

I was slowly lowered gently onto the well used sofa until I was completely lying down and I breathed a sigh of relief at the steady softness underneath me. Sean dropped to the floor beside me and I shouted his name in alarm. 

"I'm calling an ambulance." The lady said as she rushed to the landline on a little wooden side table, dialling in the number as she spoke. 

"No! No please don't." We both shouted which made her stop dialing mid-step.

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