Fan mail

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Hello I'm back and hopefully I will update every week. And since I can't think of any dares at the moment here's some random shist So be prepared for some amazing dares.

Annabeth: No go away

Percy: no one likes you

Author: I control you I am the halfblood Jesus

Zeus: the what?

Author: the halfblood Jesus. You know? Percy is Fish Jesus. Nico is dead Jesus and Jason is... sky jesus

Jason: Sky Jesus?

Percy: Fish Jesus?

Nico: why am I dead Jesus?

Lexi: Don't question the author she's mental

Author: hey I will stab you.

Hazel: Wait, if Nico is dead Jesus and Jason Is Sky Jesus then what are me, Lexi and Thalia?

Frank: don't encourage the author please Hazel.

Author: you are the random sisters no one knew Jesus had.

Hazel: I was one of the seven people know me

Author: ok time for questions

~To Jason and Thalia: How protective are you of Lexi since she is the youngest?~

Jason: well she's still single so that's good*takes out sword* oh by the way any guy who tries to hurt her will rot in hell.

Thalia: well I know how badass my sister is still trying to get her to join the hunters. Hasn't worked out yet.

~To Percy: are you protective of your sister, Chloe and Kalani?~

Percy: well someone *cough cough* Leo *cough cough* broke her heart. So now every guy must now sign a contract to date either of them

Kalani: what does it say?

Percy: just if you break my sister's heart I get permission to break their bones.

~To Leo: what withy you and Kalani?~

Leo: well we met on the Argo II and we kinda had a thing for a week or so. But then I met Calypso. Kalani are friends now. Right Kal?

Kalani: *Sharpens her sword* oh yeah me and Leo are cool

~To Clarisse Why did you say yes when Leo purposed?~

Clarisse: There is this 5 year old named Serena and she heard the dare. So she charmspoke me to say yes. And since she's 5 I took my anger out on her sisters Drew may or may not be wearing... sweatpants. Serena started planning the wedding.

Leo: that explains so much

~To Nico: Who do you like?~

Nico: do I have to answer?

Piper: Yes.

Nico: lgjdkfhfsf

Leo: Oh my gods lgjdkfhfsf is sexy.* winks*


Piper: do you really want me to do this nico? Save the trouble and say it.

Nico: nope

Piper: ok... Tell us who you like.

Nico: Lexi

Percy:*Hands Annabeth 10 drachma*

Annabeth: Called it

~To Annabth: so if Percy touches water and he can heal himself and control book does that mean you can control books?~

Annabeth: I told you guys not to let Percy ask any questions. And believe it or not part of the Athena blessing is the ability to read very fast.

Author: Ok.... time to go. I need some dares please.

Frank: don't give her any dares!!!!!!!!!

Percy Jackson truth or dare( #wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now