Blonde supermen

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Jason:I don't like where this is going!!!!!


Jason: because the first time Percy saw me fly his reaction was Holy Juno!! Blonde super man!!!

Percy: I said Holy Hera,

Jason: I don't care.


Annabeth's P.O.V

My sister Katie decided to play with us. She has been here for a month. She is really cool."Jason, truth or dare?" I ask. Jason knows my dares can hurt people. Like Leo purposing to Clarisse.

"Dare." He says..

"I dare you to fly around camp in a superman suit yelling 'no fear blonde superman is here!!"

Leo rolled around the ground laughing his head off.

"Do I have to?" I ask.

Jason's P.O.V

Annabeth is crazy. It's so embarrassing. And for some reason in bunker 9 Leo has a superman costumes. He won't tell us why. That was until we found a picture. He was dressed in the costume and the caption said the ladies love me as  a superhero. I'm wandering if Leo is sane.

Leo's P.O.V

After a few minutes Jason came back from the bathroom in his superman suit. It was hilarious. Jason walked over to Piper and kissed her on the cheek. It was awkward." Alright blonde superman time to fly." I say grabbing my video camera. So Jason breathed in and started to rise off the ground to start flying in the air he is flying around yelling 'blonde superman to the rescue!!!"

Jason's P.O.V

As I'm flying around I start to smell smoke. I look behind me and my cape is on fire." Leo fudging Valdez what in Pluto's name is wrong with you!?!?" I yell. I look for a source of water I finally see a lake but it was currently surrounded by nymphs. Anyways I realized I had no other choice. So I hold my breath and fly towards the lake. As I swim back up the nymphs don't look happy."Hey ladies, how you doin?" Before I can say anything the nymphs start.chasing me around camp throwing rocks and other things at me. After five minutes I finally make my way back to Percy's cabin luckily in one piece.
Piper s P.O.V

I watched as Jason flew around. The only thing that would make this any better would be..."I know what you are gonna say." Leo says. He sets Jason's cape on fire. This is hilarious Jason ends up falling in a lake and then gets chased by nymphs..
Juniper: there are times when i wonder... What in Hades name is wrong with you?
Grover: I'm wondering that too.
Leo: we don't exactly know what is wrong.
Fangirl: i found you Leo!
Leo: Haphestus hand grenades!!
Hazel: what just happened?
Leo: I'd love to stay but I got to go

Percy Jackson truth or dare( #wattys 2015)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu