Yu hungry?

13 3 0

Postin about the good ol People's Republic of China

Here's some doodles to start

Out of full suit:

In suit but still showing dragon features + weapon

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In suit but still showing dragon features + weapon

Everything's shrouded and covered, acts as disguise

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Everything's shrouded and covered, acts as disguise

Everything's shrouded and covered, acts as disguise

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Random doodle that he's in

Random doodle that he's in

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Now we move on....



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(Based on what year the middle animal changes, so does his power a little bit)

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(Based on what year the middle animal changes, so does his power a little bit)

(Based on what year the middle animal changes, so does his power a little bit)

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Sketch including Poland:

Sketch including Poland:

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Their relationship:

Basically Poland is his apprentice who he found when Poland was a child, China can go into his dragon form rarely comes out, but at an ultimate form he does

Poland is able to do it as he so chooses, as if changing shoes

Sooo yea


Ik Ik Rusame(In this economy?)

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Ik Ik Rusame
(In this economy?)

Again these guys have no real relation to the real countries, if u did Russia would be designed a lot differently


Anyways I have a HC that they are actually really good buddies, and for a valid reason

There's an au I made up awhile ago related about space

On earth they don't have a good relationship, but in space they get along great (I'm talking about the actual countries and nasa and stuff)

If you research it and just look at it it's pretty clear

And my au is basically that countries with big space programs and who really like space, have a choice to go to space and work there, Ame and rus are only rlly not getting along, but they don't get in active fights

Once in space their F R I E N D S H I P evolves, they're really good B U D D I E S


I even may make some art abt it.

Who knows

Also plan on a Poland, Canada, and USA ref sheet soon, not planning on recoloring any time soon, if anyone wants to they can (wink wonk) just tag me, I hate line art and shading and coloring especially on digital (it is easier tho ngl)


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