Happy Mother's Day!

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I wanna say happy Mother's Day!

Congratulations to all the mamas out there! Y'all deserve more credit!

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Congratulations to all the mamas out there! Y'all deserve more credit!


My mom wasn't there for me in the literal sense, after I was born (I'm the oldest sibling of my two others) she left us with our father, but I have had mother like figures take care of my siblings and I, and honestly you moms are troopers, I'd like to think that we were all at least a little behaved, but we sure were fucking rowdy lol

I hate children personally, but that's just me.

Not to disgrace this sacred day but..

I have some new art!

Here's a hint..

Here's a hint

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Check out my insta!

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Check out my insta!

I've also made up my mind on this twinks backstory and what he's apart of, and what he's doing now!
A summary:

This Ame is entirely mine and not really inspired by anything

Ok let's get started

Ame is a demon in an apocalyptic world overrun by other and more out of control and crazed demons that also have the equivalent of rabies
Ame is apart of an organization military type camp that hunts them and exterminates them with other countries (who are human/human like) Ame is basically the big boss of demons who's job is to destroy the camp from the inside, at some point he gets bored and is trying to escape, the other countries (mainly Canada) sorta need him for his strength and stealth, so they're watching over him, his fit in this is the OG  one above, at the end of his au he's caught and blows it up while running off, all of the countries survived (since they're fucking countries) and try to catch him

(SPOILERS FOR A FUTURE BOOK OF MINE, this part isn't THAT important but still sorta)

A little after that happened, Eclipse, (if you haven't seen my oneshot book while it was still up, you have no idea who I'm talking about) Eclipse comes and is like: "hey man, I'm gonna take over with multiverse with fucked over Americas and I want you to join, please?" America knows that he's not really what Eclipse is looking for, but decides to join just because, later on after the whole war and Eclipse falls, all the Ames that joined him are now skeptical of joined sun and the USA help thing, so they decide to make an anti-hero like military organization and go on missions, they usually have everyone's  best interest in mind at the source, that's what he in now, he's an OG to that organization since he was there when it was built.

This Ame is in a trio with one of the Ames who made the organization thing, and with an Ame that I showed a bit ago (the one with pink eyes) who he's sorta boyfriends with who he playfully fights with, these three go on missions around the verse and fuck around

But yeah that's about it for him, lmk if you want anymore info/art on some more AUs and organizations!


Art bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora