I did this instead of publishing ch2

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These are the bunny twins, ask seen in the picture. They represent the guardians of the universe, you may be like, what?- it'll be explained more in another book, I'm publishing it after TSGB, there's gonna be a lot of books, slowly explaining the verse, this is gonna take a long time till these two actually come up ( let's hope I don't abandon my acc before that lmao)

They're twins who guard the verse on behalf of their maker, bc there is no REAL cannon Ame, he just kinda serves as one, he's the oldest, and the one who created everything in the AV (America Verse) also yes I HAVE been walking around my room developing it for at least a year, Y'know how deep that gets. Anyways let's get to introductions 😍

Guardian of time, space, dimensions, and gateways

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Guardian of time, space, dimensions, and gateways. Aka known as dimension guard, DG (in the story they usually use initials or shortened versions of their story names, unless you're well known, or have a name amongst the AV)

like in the name he guards the dimensions to the Americas worlds, he usually only guards the worlds if Ame is the main character, tho sometimes a new one pops up, where it's told in the Ames pov and differs from the story, tho that's rare, he's currently at ends with his twin, because they were on different sides (that'll also be explained in the book) he also helps when books are overtaken by the equivalent of the glitch, sometimes if he's bored he'll help out an Ame from a deleted/ archived book, (guess what? It'll be explained in the book) as of late he's just chillin in the gateway

like in the name he guards the dimensions to the Americas worlds, he usually only guards the worlds if Ame is the main character, tho sometimes a new one pops up, where it's told in the Ames pov and differs from the story, tho that's rare, he's cu...

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This is the fighter, he travels through dimensions killing any threats to it, and also when bored or if the books being deleted/archived, will help the Ames by stalling the creatures (you already know what imma say) he's still upset at his twin for basically betraying the higher ups (lolololol, explained in book)

he always has a smile on his face, it's never one of those creepy smiles either, it looks just like in the pic except brighter, he excels on battlefields, and always wears a bunny suit or a variation of what look like them, his bunny ears are attached on him, if he DOES frown, be ready for a world of pain from this sadistic asshole, he's brutal, like his twin he's also able to control portals, just not as powerful. If he opens his eyes he's either very upset, or something like anger, it's usually both, it's rare and even worse than a frown, you can't run, just accept your fate.

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